
Truthful Free Form Amino Acid Healing Knowledge Becoming Commonly Known Would Topple Both Big Pharma And The U.S. Government (3-24-14)

Truthful Free Form Amino Acid Healing Knowledge Becoming Commonly Known Would Topple Both Big Pharma And The U.S. Government (3-24-14)

This blog is under construction.


My Free Form Amino Acid Source of Record is JoMarLabs in Campbell, California, not far from Mountain View.

This is the Only Supplier in the United States where one can buy the two amino acid blends that I used extensively for years.

JoMar is considered an amino acid wholesaler, but they sell to the public as well.

I have visited JoMar Labs three or four times over the years. In speaking to their employees, I was told that they buy free form amino acids in barrels from Japan, and then they encapsulate it and sell it here.

Years ago their amino acid blends did not contain any magnesium stearate, and was something like 99.7% pure.

I was disappointed to see magnesium stearate added to the free form amino acid blends that I regularly used, but there was nothing I could do about this, unless I ordered a custom blend (to my specifications) from JoMar. This latter I never bothered to do, as from memory it would have cost me more and there was a minimum quantity required that was fiscally troublesome for me.  I simply accepted the magnesium stearate being added to the blends that I ordered, because their was not much I could do about it. Magnesium stearate helps with the encapsulation process, it is not being used as a preservative, to the best of my knowledge.

Free form amino acids are quite stable, and can take substantial heat. If I left my amino acid supply in the car for a long time on a sunny summer day with the windows closed, it was fine (unlike vitamin B-complex and vitamin C, which were damaged by the high heat). Frigid winter temperatures did not matter either. I never had a problem with amino acids going bad due to chemical degradation, as best as I could tell.

Unfortunately, I cannot order anything from Jomar Laboratories, due to an unpaid bill that went to collection years ago.

I used to be “on open account” on a net 10 or 30 basis.

For years Jomar put up with me being really late in paying, but would ship when I finally paid my old bill.

When the Mafia first tried to kill me in January 2010, I talked them into shipping me a two kilogram order, even though I owed them for two kilograms already.

Then I ended up in my first bunker apartment in Kennedy Plaza, and there was no way I could pay the bill.

So I was sent to collection for about $700 or $800.

What really concerned me was a remark on the phone by a Jomar employee, the one in charge there at the time. (I know the name, but I am not going to write it here.)

She said, “Even if you pay your bill, we don’t know if we are going to sell to you anymore”.

Jomar had no sales budget for years.  They sold by word of mouth.

I had been an unpaid word of mouth promoter on the Internet of Jomar’s products for years.

I did not expect payment for this, nor did I want it, and I would have refused it if it was offered.

By conscious choice, I did have, nor would not have, any commercial agenda contaminate what I was trying to tell the world.

However, when Jomar told me they might not sell to me, and told me this in an ominous tone that suggested I could not longer get what I needed from them, I lost all motivation to pay them what I owed them.

I needed what I got from SSD to simply survive being under attack by Big Pharma’s enforcement arm, the American Mafia headquartered in NYC.

My last order with Jomar was in February 2010 or so, soon after my first hit attempt.

My second hit attempt, one that was multiple in nature, occurred beginning in late May 2010, after I wrote a blog titled “A Tribute To Bob Beck; A World Class Healer (5-21-2010).  After the second time that the Mafia tried to kill me, there was no way I was paying out any money to anyone if it did not do me “any survival good”.  This included JoMarLabs and the collection agency they sent my old bills to.

I was luckily gifted most of a kilogram of each blend by a person in Texas in October of 2010.

It was upon this Free Form Amino Acid and other supplement gift that “Cambridge Who’s Who and a Synopsis of My Situation” and “The Story of Darman Mfg. Company and Genius” were written back to back on October 12th and 13th of 2010.

It was upon this FFAA, etc. gift that I wrote for as much as I could, as fast as I could, to tell the world all that I knew about natural cures for the balance of October and the first part of November 2010, until I left for Texas and then AZ. where the Mafia tried determinedly to kill me again in April 2011.

It has been about three and a half years since I have had any access whatsoever to Jomar Laboratories blended amino acid product line.

Other things being more or less equal, no human being on this earth not taking broad based (broad spectrum) FFAA’s  and other synergistic supplements Can Compete Mentally Or Physically with someone who is taking such, and knows what they are doing. Not a single one. (It would be impossible.)

I used to order JoMarLab’s Pure Form 20 (now 21) Blend and WAC blend in capsules by the kilogram.

Two kilograms (1 of each) of free form amino acids years ago costs me about $270.

It’s been so long, I forget.

It was definitely under $300.

If I could get my hands on two uncontaminated and properly formulated kilograms of this stuff (Pureform and WAC), along with some other necessary supplements for it to work, Oh My God what I could do with it on a rather immediate basis in regard to “helping my ability to think and function”, and in regard to “helping my own physical and mental health”.

I’d be taking 50 grams of FFAA’s a day right off the bat, which equates to 100 500 mg. capsules.

For some persons 50 grams of FFAA supplementation may be, or is, too much.  For me, it is not.

Only the person taking FFAA’s can determine their own proper dosage. No doctor in the world can do this for you.

Experienced people like myself could guide someone and save them a ton of time learning curve-wise in regard to successfully applying FFAA’s to themselves.

This knowledge “all needs to be put on video”, the sooner the better.

What a gift to the world it would be!

I could commence this project tomorrow, even without any FFAA supplementation, if either WordPress or Google would help me with “a roof over my head”, and a place to talk to the camera in my iMac, or any other camera that was supplied.

I know FFAA’s by heart. Although a few books to refer to would be quite helpful, I need no book to refer to in order to create useful video material, for I have learned more than the books say.

All I need is a place to talk, and a friendly face around somewhere.

I thought when Google went for 51% of iROCKiFREEDOM on February 8th that I would find such here this time.

Apparently, either something happened out here to scare people off, or I thought wrong.

I just can’t see using the last of my money to try to make it to Mountain View as a homeless person in dirty clothes dragging my iMac in a suitcase on wheels and expect anything good to come out of this.

I have told Google “I am a Special Needs Hire” due to the fact I need a Safe Environment in Which to Work.

I am a tough cookie.

I can deal with rejection this time, just as I have dealt with it a number of times that I came to San Francisco before.

My faith in God and my Clear Conscience that “I did my part as best as I was able to” supports me.

What else can I say? in the above regards.

Going back to free form amino acids–>

FFAA’s, when used properly, offer more hope to save this planet and ourselves from self destruction than anything I can think of, they mean “that much”.

FFAA’s applied to depression or even “just generally applied to normal people” could easily generate “a molecular awareness” in humanity that is critical to saving this planet from the molecular destruction we are heaping upon it now.

Willy’s Baggie, the one we used the most by far, contained less than 14 grams of Free Form Amino acids.

For comparison–> Two eggs contains about 14 grams of protein.  Protein is 100% amino acids.

However, in protein the amino acid molecules are combined with each other by the hundreds or by the thousands.

A protein molecule in food that a person eats can be ten thousand amino acid molecules linked together.

Unless these molecular bonds are broken by enzymatic action, the amino acid molecules in protein are not absorbed into the body because—> i

In being linked together, protein molecules are far too large to be absorbed across the cell walls of the villi in one’s small intestines.

Even if amino acids linked together into protein were absorbed into the body, they would be useless to the body if still combined in large molecules.

Your digestive system is supposed to disassemble protein molecules into peptides or di-peptides, which are one molecule and two molecule groups of amino acids.

These peptides and di-peptides are then transported to and assembled into “what you need” inside your body and brain.

1) Protein digestion and assimilation into the body are often impaired.

2) The same goes for minerals too, as far as assimilation into the body goes.

3) Much of what many people eat nutrition-wise is pooped into the toilet the next day.

4) For some this problem is worse than for others.

The above four sentences are WHERE EVERY MENTAL HEALTH and DEGENERATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH DOLLAR IN AMERICA SHOULD GO, ALONG WITH A THOROUGH STUDY OF “DIGESTIVE EFFICIENCY” AND EVERYTHING RELATED TO SUCH (Hidden Food Allergies, Poor Gut Flora, a Lack of Digestive Enzymes, a Lack of the Essential Nutrients that Build Such, Leaky Gut, etc.).

UNFORTUNATELY, research dollars will never be spent on such, for in America by Law “Only a Drug Can Diagnose, Prevent, Treat, or Cure Any and All Disease”.

This Single Silly, Illogical And Criminal Law of “Only a Drug Can Cure” DOOMS AMERICAN HEALTH AND WEALTH, and perhaps MEANS THE END of the World (may lead to nuclear war someday), IF IT REMAINS IN PLACE.

Human beings have a Absolute and God Given Human Right to Accurate Truths about how our body works, what it needs to function properly, and how to correct our own health when it is impaired. This Human Right is Being, and Has Been, Denied for Decades.  One only has to read pioneer nutritionist Adelle Davis and Dr. Sherry Rogers to know this as a Fact.

Given the supplement and free form amino acid means to do so, I could more or less “prove what I know” by the generation of Credible Video Material put on YouTube.

Unfortunately, the big question in regard to FFAA’s is “Was my single source for such named JoMar Laboratories leaned on by the American Mafia, such that someone cannot get what I used to get FFAA-wise”, or are certain orders are intentionally mis-formulated to not work like they should.  Sadly, I think the answer to one of these two questions is “Yes”.

Many people used to write me and Thank Me five or six years ago for the advice that I gave over the Internet, and then these Thanks just dried up a few years ago or a bit more.  The good and accurate and Truthful advice that worked for years, no longer worked.  Something happened, and it does not take a genius to figure out what.

In the event that I am wrong about my suspicions of intentional mis-formulation due to Mafia subterfuge on behalf of Big Pharma affecting my source for free from amino acids, this is where I got what I used to get free form amino acid-wise–>

Amino Acids

Books Etc.

The book shown above is Robert Erdmann’s “The Amino Revolution” copyrighted in 1987. I deeply appreciate what Robert Erdmann, PhD. taught me. This book helped me a lot, despite the fact it did not list dosages, and the facts that (1) Robert Erdmann missed taurine as a key inhibitory amino acid, and (2) his understanding of how to use broad spectrum amino acids is flawed (Willy’s Baggie is better than what Robert Erdmann knew). Despite these flaws, Robert Erdmann was considered an expert in amino acid supplementation worldwide in his time. Sweden granted him some sort of award for “what he did, and what he knew”. For Robert Erdmann, histidine was the amino acid he often relied on for inhibition. Finally I tried histidine, and Yes! it does help. My three best inhibitors free form amino acid wise are tryptophan, taurine and histidine. These three in combination are as powerful as a benzodiazapine medication such as klonopin for me. Due to fiscal shortfall, I no longer use histidine, but I often have and use tryptophan and taurine on an “as needed basis”. These two in 3,500 mg. each amounts were enough to get me to sleep after working 150 hours for the first week of February.  I knew with a 100% degree of certainty that they would be enough to make me sleep before I pushed myself this hard.   This 3,500 MG. EA. dosage is unusually high – I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT FOR OTHERS AND YOU COULD GET A HECK OF A HEADACHE FROM TOO MUCH TAURINE, as well as feel groggy and out of it from too much tryptophan taken at once.  (NORMAL DOSAGES ARE IN THE 1,000 MG. TO 1,500 MG. EACH RANGE.)  I can only dose myself so high safely without negative side effects because I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING FOR MY BODY, MY BRAIN, AND ME.  I have witnessed inhibitory amino acids working well for other people IN REGARD TO GREATLY HELPING WITH SLEEP PROBLEMS. SLEEP MEDICATION IS ANOTHER HOAX; it is another fraud being perpetuated on the American Public for the sake of the money. It is worthy to note that tryptophan is excitatory for some people, and inhibitory for others. Tryptophan is the amino acid precursor of serotonin. Taking tryptophan with B-Complex and C increases one’s serotonin level, something I learned from Dr. Priscilla Slagle in her book “The Way Up From Down”, and experienced thousands of times from supplementing with it personally. How SSRI antidepressants are even on the market when the amino acid tryptophan and a few vitamins so readily increases serotonin in a person is a testament to the Power of the Drug Oriented Medical System and U.S. Government Policies (laws) here in the United States. It is also worthy to note here that a San Francisco Bay Area (Mill Valley) medical practitioner named Julia Ross is extremely likely to have plagiarized my initial inhibitory amino acid combination of Tryptophan, Taurine, GABA and Glycine. I emailed her something like a 30 page Word document in February 1998 documenting all that I was doing amino acid wise, shortly after I attended a week long seminar in San Rafael, California in January 1998. Her book “The Mood Cure” suggesting the same amino acid cocktail I was using was published in 2002. IMHO, Julia Ross became “the expert in Amino Acid Use” in Alternative Medicine for a while, based on my amino acid advice. However, she still got stuck in regard to excitatory amino acid use, and continued to recommend a obsolete tyrosine and phenylalanine combination that Dr. Priscilla Slagle had recommended way back in 1987. As a result of self-experimentation and a lot of trial and error, I surpassed everyone mentioned here in regard to the therapeutic use of free form amino acids 14 years ago for both inhibitory or excitatory use, even before Willy’s Baggie was born. Lastly, it sure smacks of Suppression to me when I ordered every book I could get my hands on on this topic of free form amino acids in 1998, and the library I created was only about 8″ wide, despite the fact “we humans are made out of this stuff more than anything else”. It could justifiably be stated that “human beings are amino acid chemical machines”. This is the last thing in the world that Big Pharma and the U.S. Government want people to know about, for both would fall to free form amino acid truths if they became commonly known. I am having multiple and very unusual computer problems today as I worked on this blog. To me, this is no surprise. Free Form Amino Acid knowledge is “a huge great to the eugenics folks, the U.S. Government, and Big Pharma too”. Robert Erdmann died in a hospital in 2002, and Bob Beck died the same year from a fall (supposedly). It would not surprise me if both of these gentleman were secretively killed. My longevity here is “a dice game”. I take things day by day, and live without fear, for I know my death will be meaningful, should it occur.

Free form amino acids (FFAA’s) and “amino acids” as listed on most labels one would typically see, are two different animals altogether.

All of my discoveries used free form amino acids.

None of them used amino acids that were not Free Form.

As I type these words with partially impaired fingers, I think about what free form amino acids, carnitine, and other supplements could do for me.

It is worthy to note here that in September 1997, when I first started to use a wide range of nutritional supplements, probiotics, etc. I used to often spontaneously want to wiggle my fingers while laying in bed.  My finger function had been somewhat impaired for years due to deficiency, an impairment that is getting progressively worse at present. In 1997, I could not shuffle a deck of cards my whole life.  People used to make fun of me at the poker table when it was my turn to deal, for I would just mash the cards together.  Suddenly I could shuffle a deck of cards in September 1997, as a result of treating essential nutrient deficiency in myself.  My fingers used to dance over the keyboard much better than they do now.  All of my current finger impairment is “easily recoverable function”, if the nutrient deficiencies in my fingers and finger joints was properly addressed.  I know how to do this, but I have a “means problem” that has dogged me for years.

FFAA’s could, with other things in combination, completely heal my fingers in a matter of weeks, with great relief being felt within a matter of days.

FFAA’s, with carnitine, phosphatidyl choline, and a good multivitamin (or even  just B Complex and Vitamin C) could change my brain function and performance profoundly within the same day, relief that is felt within hours, or even in the first hour, depending.

FFAA’s, along with other common sense things, can quite literally turn back the hands of time.

You can feel, act, and function as if you were much younger, if you know how to address nutrient deficiency, excess toxic and allergic load, malabsorption and “bad biology” in yourself.

FFAA’s, taken along with needed vitamin and mineral cofactors, are “rocket fuel for the brain”.  I have used this phrase hundreds of times over the years because it seemed to best describe what one feels from taking such.  You can think better, faster and longer as a result of FFAA supplementation, because you are giving your brain the raw material it needs to readily build neurotransmitters. Dr. Priscilla Slagle, a conventional psychiatrist that went alternative decades ago, and a pioneer in the field, calls this “precursor loading” in her landmark book “The Way Up From Down” published in 1987.

All of what I am writing about here can all be readily learned, and readily taught, via YouTube.

I told alternative medical practitioners the above repeatedly a decade ago.

The problem here is that what I know disenfranchises alternative medical practitioners as well. If healing knowledge can be found for free on YouTube, why go see an alternative doctor and pay them for knowledge that one can learn for free via the Power of the Internet? Money skews healing truth in both the conventional and alternative medical arenas.

The Only Hope For Alternative Medical Truth Seeing the Light Of Day And Becoming Commonly Known Is Proactive Action By Silicon Valley to get rid of the Biggest Roadblock to Such Happening.

The Biggest Roadblock is the U.S. Government, which mandates drug oriented medicine by both FDA Policy and the abomination called “the Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare), and acts to Suppress Both Alternative Medical Research and Alternative Medical Practice.

A little bit of my computer history…

My first personal computer was a Radio Shack computer with 16K RAM that I purchased in 1982, and upgraded to 48K RAM (it’s maximum RAM) on the kitchen table at home by plugging in two chips. I knew computers were going to change the world a long time ago. Now, I am not so certain, due to concerns over what our Federal Government is doing, and what it wants to do in the future.  If Silicon Valley does not recognize this threat of Coming Government Internet Censorship and do something about it, the Power of Personal Computers may never reach its true potential.

I knew, and fully understood, the Power and Potential of Personal Computers in 1987, when I designed a number of accounting templates on Lotus 123 in which to run the accounting end of the manufacturing business I owned at that time.  (An Excel Version of the Cash Disbursements Ledger that I designed in 1987 is still in regular use by Darman Mfg. Company today.)

Although admirable in its intent, eight Silicon Valley companies jointly taking out a full page ad in the New York Times addressed to the politicians in Washington D.C. (as happened on DEC 9/13) is not going to solve the problem.

I have no doubt that the Federal Government will continue to monitor all of the Internet and Telephone traffic that it possibly can, and will do so until it falls to a Justifiable Revolution.

I would like to venture the guess that Silicon Valley Companies and employees are a Special Target of Government Surveillance, because of the fact that Silicon Valley and the Internet are the two biggest threats to our current Federal Government remaining in power.

The Slow but Steady Growth of Truth on the Internet, and the Slow But Steady Growth of the Patriot Movement in America are a far bigger threat to our current federal government than anything else.

This means “they will continue to listen to you folks in Silicon Valley, and monitor all Internet and Phone Activity out here”.

As stupid as our Federal Government is about a lot of things, they are not stupid enough to “not be listening to you” if you work in Silicon Valley in any capacity related to the Internet.

Appealing to the morality of politicians is pointless. Politicians are working for their own self interest. Moral Right means nothing to these folks. Not one politician talks about 9/11 TRUTH. That should tell you something, if not a lot of things.

America is Lost if our current system remains in place.  There is too much money in politics.  If you get elected as a Senator or Congress Person, you become entrapped by the need to seek reelection money from corporate and special interest donors. This leads to legislative favor towards those paying for your reelection. The welfare of the people does not count any more. It’s the welfare of those giving away money in Washington via 17,000 lobbyists that counts today.

I certainly hope that an iROCK4iFREEDOM event is being planned now, and will happen this summer.  I also hope that this event does not just deal with Internet Freedom, but deals with the Suppression of Truth by the U.S. Government in a broader sense as well.

These issues of Internet Freedom and the Suppression of Truth by the U.S. Government are interrelated. To only deal with one of them such as Internet Freedom is really missing the boat, and will most likely achieve very limited results.

To understand the true nature of the Federal Government in America, one only has to look at the Suppression of Truth in Three Key Areas–> Energy Invention Suppression, the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, and the Suppression of 9/11 Truth.

In regard to the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, I can Prove What I Know, if given the means to do so.

So little could do so much.

A sum of money as little as $5 spend wisely on nutritional supplementation that I suggest (assuming JoMar products were properly formulated) could improve the health and performance of every single employee at Google, or every single employee anywhere in America.

Admittedly, $10 or $12 would be even better, but even $5 a day could do a lot.

Willy’s Original Baggie cost about $12. ea. years ago, a price that I do not think has changed much, and even one taken every other day as Willy often took them greatly helps. This simple discovery that copied the wisdom of pioneer nutritionist Adelle Davis toppled drug oriented medicine in much of what it treats–> so much so I would hate to be a major stockholder in a drug company if the Truth ever became known. Nutrients cure.  Drugs don’t.  No toxic molecule can truly beget human health, and all drugs are toxic, every single one.

The performance gains at work would easily offset the cost of well designed nutritional supplementation, especially amongst Google’s (or another company’s) Executives, but also amongst almost every single employee at Google over 40 as well (if not every single employee period).

If I go beyond just nutritional supplementation and apply the entire range of alternative medical common sense to myself, I can feel and function like I was in my 30′s within a week (or perhaps two).  This assumes I had access to the supplement, nutritional, and natural measures to do so. and a place in which to apply such.  One notable exception to what I am representing here is–>

My lungs would still be impaired from all the cigarettes that I smoked in my life.

Regardless of my lungs, I would still feel like a much younger man. and amazingly so, if I had the means and the place to apply alternative medicine to myself.

What I am doing to myself is Profoundly Anti-Aging.

In Principle, what I am doing to myself to gain, retain or recovery health and function is Applicable to the Entire Human Race.

When I become chemically optimal using “what I know”, and have known for well over a decade, I reach a natural high that is better than getting high smoking weed.  It is a really special place to be “a  (bio)chemical 10″ on a scale of 1 to 10.  I am more at peace and have more inner happiness than the Dalai Lama has when I am chemically well. Or “we are equals” in these regards.

I would love to teach the above to Google, WordPress, Silicon Valley and the World.

I pray that someday I am wisely granted the means to adequately “YouTube teach” what I know to be True About Depression, Health and Health Recovery to America and to the World.

God Forbid My Free Form Amino Acid and Other Alternative Medical Discovery Knowledge is lost due to either a lack of adequate support or the corrupt U.S. Government and the fraudulent Medical System in America remaining in power.

What a Shame this would be.

The significance of what I know is much bigger than “the water powered car”, or even the Invention of the Internet and Computers, for it relates directly to Human and Planetary Health.

As one example of what I know about how to properly treat a state of severe depression in a hospital setting (or even from home), the first steps in treating a severely depressed state should ALWAYS BE to (1) remove GI Tract contents as much as is practical or possible “from both ends” by (1a) a Colonic or a Series of Colonics, and (1b) Bentonite and Psyllium shakes, and (2) the Oral Administration  of High Dosage Free Form Amino Acids (50 to 100 grams or so, depending), along with a wide range of needed co-factors, as specified in other material that I have written over the years. Step number three would always be “whatever it takes to fix one’s gut biology”. (See Dr. Sherry Rogers Book “No More Heartburn” and her 8R program of gut correction for a decent outline.) Step number four would be to go on a cave man elimination diet to deal with the probable problem of hidden food allergies.  These four steps are universal to the proper treatment of a state of severe, chronic and/or longstanding depression.

In the great majority of people in the developed world, a state of severe depression with suicidal ideation attached is “excessive toxic gut contents causing a serious degree of malabsorption and burdening the body with a high toxic load” combined with “a functional amino acid deficiency state” more than it is ANYTHING ELSE. (I knew this stuff 14 years ago.  Nothing has changed.  My knowledge has only solidified over time as I learned more.)

It’s quite an interesting experience watching your body heal, as the result of taking a wide range of nutritional supplements, drinking raw vegetable juice and non-allergic green shakes, changing your gut biology, and eliminating hidden allergic foods.

FFAA’s are the majority of what all of your neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzymes are made out of.

Dried out (all the water taken out), an average human being is 70% amino acids, 20% fats, and 5% minerals.  That’s 95% of what you are chemically.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to heal from any deficiency syndrome, but they are the minority of the equation.

I say the above despite the fact that mineral deficiencies are pervasive in America due to the Standard American Diet being inadequate from a mineral standpoint, and the fact that things are progressively getting worse in this regard due to depleted soils and GMO foods.

Did you know that Roundup, the pesticide that many GMO foods depend on, works to kill bugs by locking up minerals and making them biologically unavailable?  This well kept secret is hurting the health of hundreds of millions Americans, if not actually killing some of us.

As critically important as essential minerals are to health, amino acids are the bulk of the equation. (From my personally taking over 150,000 capsules of individual and blended free form amino acids personally since September 1997, I know what I am talking about.)

In regard to neurotransmitters, science admits it has identified roughly 100 of them.  By identified, they must mean that they know the molecule structure of such.

All of this molecular biological science in regard to neurotransmitters is being intentionally suppressed.  Try to find the molecular diagrams of these 100 known neurotransmitters and their names on the Internet.  (Good luck.)

At least the molecular science underlying serotonin and dopamine production has not been successfully suppressed.

From this molecular science, one can conclude that most neurotransmitters are made primarily out of amino acids, and that a mineral molecule or a vitamin molecule may be needed in their production. (Electron microscopes can determine these things.  Electron microscopes are how science identified the 100 or so known neurotransmitters in the first place.)

The notable exception to the above is a major neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is made from choline, which is typically grouped with the B vitamin family.

From a great deal of experience, I know for a fact that l-carnitine is somehow involved in acetylcholine production, for when lacking it, phosphatidyl choline supplementation does me no good.

L-Carnitine itself needs something like eight essential nutrients in order to be formed in the body.  (The specifics of this is known by science – I saw the list in a book once.)

A lack of any one of these eight essential nutrients means a lack of l-carnitine production inside of the body.

L-Carnitine does more than simply transport fats across the cell membrane, which is one function commonly associated with it.

An adequate supply of Carnitine is essential to optimal mental health.

Without it, my brain can race (hypomania).

With carnitine and enough phoshatidyl choline, I can “practically dial my brain speed (my spontaneous rate of neuronal firing) to anywhere I want” given a little time.

People that talk loud and fast are carnitine deficient (this I know for a fact), and perhaps choline deficient too.

If you are so deficient, strongly suspect broad based (broad spectrum) deficiency and a serious degree of malabsorption are present.

It’s really a no brainer to figure this stuff out.

It’s so simple and easy to change both specific neurotransmitter levels and all neurotransmitter levels via oral supplementation, that it is scary what modern medicine is doing, and continues to do, in regard to the treatment of neurotransmitter deficiencies.

Simply taking 1000 mg. or so of tryptophan or tyrosine along with a B Complex Vitamin and Vitamin C will often quite noticeably change things for the person taking such.  Tryptophan increases one’s serotonin level, and tyrosine increases dopamine.

There is Absolutely a Big Conspiracy to hide the truth about vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential nutrients from all Americans, if not All People the World Over.

Main Stream Media and the U.S. Government on recurrent basis for years has attempted to convince the American Public that Nutritional Supplements are either dangerous, not necessary, or of no value whatsoever because the American Diet “provides all the nutrients that one needs”.  What a crock of bullshit, but “they get away with it”, because there is no effective opposition.

Cuba spends lass than $300 per capita on health care and its people live longer and are healthier than we are, because the diet in Cuba is more natural and contains less processed food.

In America we used to spend about $8,500 per capita on health care before Obamacare was passed.

Somewhere I recently heard the figure of $14,000 per person per year on healthcare in the U.S., a number that was not supposed to be reached until 2020.

Healthcare costs will destroy the U.S. economically.

We are doomed economically if we “stay the course” on healthcare.

If you are a parent, and you have a child five years old, where do you think America is going to be when that child reaches 21, 16 years from now?

The bigger they are, the harder they fall is a phrase that is going to strongly apply to America unless “we win the fight”.

No child five years old in America is going to be too happy about what is happening in America when they reach their 21st birthday, unless a Justifiable Revolution changes things.

If the value of the dollar is even cut in half, it could be “Mad Max in America” in many big cities in America not long thereafter.  If the value of the dollar falls in a short period of time to 10% of what it is now, “could” turns in “would” in the sentence before.

Starving people in the big cities as a result of currency collapse will do anything to find something to eat. And we are “the most armed nation on earth”.  Put two and two together. It’s not hard to reach the conclusion that a “Mad Max scenario” in America is likely. The Feds know this. That’s what they are so heavily arming themselves and law enforcement domestically.  The Big City Gangs Nationwide against Unarmed People and the Feds, only so much worse. I cannot imagine Armed Big City Gangs dropping their weapons and getting on FEMA trains and buses to go to a FEMA camp so that they can eat for a while and then be exterminated by the Feds.  Due to the Power of the Internet, too many people are Fully Aware our Federal Government is Corrupt and Evil, and intends to kill millions of us. (Even some people staying at the homeless shelter I am in know this.)

Despite all of the Power and Might of the U.S., our Federal Government could not even keep the people in New Orleans with adequate food and water when Katrina hit.  What do you think is going to happen when people in every single big city, as well as every small town, in America lack enough food to eat as a result of the collapse of the dollar and runs on the banks and the grocery stores everywhere?

I am not the only one trying to ring the warning bell.  Many Smart People with a Brain, the Awareness of What Is Really Going On, the Courage, a Sense of Morality and the Ability to Use the Internet are saying similar things.

We are on the precipice of disaster, a disaster that very well may have been “intentionally engineered” by the people that want to kill off 90%+ of humanity and enslave the rest.

No nation can shell out $8,500 per person per year on healthcare and stay economically afloat, much less $14,000.

Who is going to stop this madness?

IMHO, some sort of “Joint Awakening Action” by Silicon Valley is the Only Chance that America has got.  That is why I proposed a multi-location Internet Woodstock event in 2012, and why I continue to believe that such an action is necessary today. (Only today, I think that this needs to be a extremely well funded  effort–> it needs to be a massive event that will reach the majority of American Citizens, and be continually broadcast over the Internet so as to reach even more people as time goes on.)

Essential nutrient deficiencies are rampant in America, and they are only getting worse, thanks to chlorinated water, GMO foods, food additives, processed foods, and kids getting slammed with repeated rounds of antibiotics for ear infections, etc. when they are young.

It is in Big Pharma’s best interest to make us all a little or a lot sick, as much as they can get away with and not get caught. (I strongly suspect Big Pharma is allied with the Eugenics folks that want to kill off over 6.5 billion of us as soon as they possible can.)

Like Joan Matthews Larson told me after I told her face to face in the summer of 2007 when I snuck out to Minneapolis to see her without an appointment and told her how hacked I was getting–>

“Your being hacked is serious, and I would not take it lightly. The roots of pharmaceutical medicine are all in Nazi Germany. Be very careful. If I was you I would go out west, where alternative medicine has progressed more than it has here. Maybe there you can get some help.”

Incidentally, when I went out to see Joan Matthews Larson in the summer of 2007 she freely gave me an hour and a half of her time.  That was not enough.  After we were done, we spent another hour and a half talking with her son too, whom she said “had to hear what I had just told her”.  Three hours time on an unannounced walk in visit, due to Joan knowing me from my written work on the Internet.  I left Minneapolis in fear that night, because my laptop got slammed by hackers in the library there, and I knew my life was at great risk.  (This visit occurred two and a half years before the first hit attempt on me. I have been under the gun for some time.  The odds of Silicon Valley hearing what I have to say today are less than one in one thousand, if not far worse than that. You should perhaps wisely take advantage of my stubbornness, my survival and my luck.)

The vitamins, minerals and FFAA supplements I am writing about here are the ones the FDA tried to label “as all being drugs” in early 2007.

In 2007 the FDA tried to label EVERY single nutritional and natural supplement a drug, due to my proving what supplements could do with my son Willy in June 2006. (It is no accident that this is when my chronic difficulties with hackers began.)  In 2007, the FDA also tried to label even carrot juice (or other juices) a drug, if they were used therapeutically, because juicing can do so much.

The FDA also proposed to take away “by over-regulation” every nutritional supplement that came on the market after October 1994. This occurred in July 2011.

Both of these attempts by the FDA to restrict the general public’s access to nutritional and natural supplements are a matter of public record.

The two FDA Guidance Documents written in 2007 and 2011 trying to take supplements out of the general public’s hands hang our Federal Government, if the Truth Of the Matter was ever widely known.

Our Federal Government has to go. There is No Fixing It.  It is Irreparably Broken, and will result in the Fall of America if it is not stopped soon.

Some say America is Doomed to Fall anyway.

I do not like such negative pessimistic thinking for it paralyzes any massive citizen action or massive Silicon Valley action in which to correct the problem.

It’s fight back Smartly and Courageously (such as I hope iROCK4iFREEDOM Represents) or Passively Put Our Heads in the Sand and Wait to Suffer and/or Die for Most Or All of Us.

The FEMA camp stuff and all the rest of what the Feds have been doing internally (NSA Surveillance of 100% of Americans 100% of the time, drones, bullets, lots of gear, SWAT vehicles, etc.) strongly suggests it is going to be the Holocaust all over again, only this time it won’t be Jews targeted, it will often be “the best and brightest in America who are Aware Of Too Much”.

American Freedom, the American Economy and the Value of the Dollar are all under attack.

Sure many here in Silicon Valley are making lots of money and leading very comfortable lives.

For how long do you think this party of things being the way they are (more or less) is going to last?

Do you think your money is going to make you immune to what is coming in America when “things fall apart” for whatever reason?

If so, I’d think again, because you came to the wrong conclusion the first time out.

Even if the millionaires and billionaires escape America before Martial Law is Declared, what about all of the Silicon Valley employees and the hundreds of millions of other Americans who did not escape?

The Internet is a Big Threat to those bringing down America, and from the standpoint of simple logic, anyone associated with the Internet and the Spreading of Truth is going to be a big target. (An EMP attack over Silicon Valley is not Out of the Question. Believe me. We are RIGHT NOW IN A WAR for the Truth on a Number of Key Topics to Be Heard. If we lose this War, the Truth about many things will likely be buried for centuries, assuming the human race survives that long without nuclear war destroying us all.)

My past problems with the Mafia are extremely small potatoes compared to what I am trying to tell you people.

I’d be quite surprised if we make it until the election in 2016 without things in America falling apart.

Even if we make it this far, there is no way in hell the value of the dollar is going to hold up until 2020.

And when the dollar falls, Martial Law and Federal Control of the Internet are a given.

When the above happens, Freedom in America will be perhaps permanently dead.

Without the Internet to communicate with, dissenters and activists like me and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of other persons of similar thought, will be slaughtered at will in all the FEMA Death Camps the Feds secretly built.  (It is going to be Nazi Germany Times Ten.)

This is Not a Game.

It is “As Real Life as Real Life gets”.

You people in Silicon Valley are Smart.

Figure it out, if you have not done so already.

If key decision makers at Google or in Silicon Valley ever learned in a personal sense (by taking such) what I know to be true about FFAA’s, and the therapeutic use of nutritional supplements in general, THEY WOULD Absolutely GO TO WAR with our Federal Government.

They would go to war due to Obvious and Documentable Federal Government Suppression of the therapeutic power and therapeutic usefulness of FFAA’s and other natural curative measures in order to achieve, maintain or recover human health.

Another thought that may be of use here is that “the world’s food supply could easily double, if what I know was developed in any meaningful sense”.

WAC Blend from Jomar does increase blood pressure, and perhaps can be problematic for some people that have high blood pressure. (Incidentally, high blood pressure is resolvable naturally.  See Dr. Sherry Roger’s book “The High Blood Pressure Hoax” at

Research could easily come up with a better blend of free form amino acids than I am using, and do so in short order.  (I would love to be a part of this.)

Carnitine and phosphatidyl choline are an absolute must at the FFAA dosages mentioned above, or you will likely get a headache.

Acetylcholine acts as a necessary buffer for free form amino acids in the brain.

L-Carnitine (or acetyl l-carnitine) and phosphatidyl choline supplementation, in addition to other things, noticeably and definitely increases the acetylcholine level in the brain.  In doing so, it avoids any headache one might get from free form amino acid supplementation.  (This same combination of nutrients often readily revolves a headache from other causes as well.  PC alone is often enough.  I consider PC to be better than aspirin for most.)

I used to take 500 to 1000 mg. of carnitine, and three phosphatidyl choline capsules containing about 420 mg. of actual phosphatidyl choline.  (I took three capsules of PC because my own brain told me 1 or 2 was not enough.)

The brain and body runs on this stuff, and on fats and sugars too.

I use fats and sugars to fuel brain performance now, because I cannot get free form amino acids.

It was the use of fats, a stomach acid supplements that I  sorely needed, and a good multivitamin that allowed me to do what I did in February 2014 with WordPress.

FFAA’s are AWESOME in their healing potential, both mentally an physically.

Big Pharma, drug oriented medicine as a whole, and our Federal Government, which fully supports by mandate and by law the fraud of drug oriented medicine, has to be deathly afraid of the true therapeutic power of Free Form Amino Acids and other natural measures being discovered by the masses.

Many people can achieve profound relief from depression within a hour or two.

You cannot have any real idea what free form amino acids can do, UNLESS YOU HAVE PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED SUCH.

Have you ever felt burnt out at the end of the week from all of the mental work that you did that week?


I can actually read such a temporary deficiency “in a person’s aura and in their face”.  Deficiency such as this “shows” in other persons, just like it does it me.

Digestive enzyme supplementation (even high dosage supplementation) at mealtimes can be very helpful in regard to treating a temporary state of deficiency, but it cannot compete with FFAA’s in a therapeutic sense.

They (almost certainly the Mafia ON BEHALF OF BIG PHARMA) made Eric Braverman, M.D. UN-WRITE HIS BOOK  ”The Healing Nutrients Within” about amino acids until it contained “nothing of value”.

A thick book chock full of useful and insightful information on Free Form Amino Acids turned into “a much smaller book that is a piece of garbage”.  That is how much of a threat free form amino acids are to drug oriented medicine.

I told Joan Matthews Larson (who considered the leader of the treatment of alcoholism in alternative medicine) back in the summer of 2007, “if the antidepressant class of medicines falls to the TRUTH, the whole house of cards of drug oriented medicine will topple soon thereafter”.  She immediately agreed because she knows “I know what I am talking about”, and “she knows, or has a very solid sense, of what nutritional supplements can do”. (Joan offered me a consulting job numerous times in the summer of 2004, but I could not leave taking care of my mother, who had just lost her ability to walk, and died about nine months later.  Later Joan offered me a full time job, but I was being heavily hacked no matter what computer I used and on the run at this point, and I thought it wise to decline.)

To the wise folks here in San Francisco and Silicon Valley–>

Give me some safety, and some FFAA’s from Jomar, and the rest of what I need to “cure myself” and “turn back the hands of time” for myself.

Then Watch What Happens, and Film Me.

If you see this, you will know the Truth.

I Can Prove TO THE WORLD What I Know, if given the means to do so.  (I have said this so many times over the years, it’s not funny.)

If Jomar’s stuff is formulated to not work, I will know.

If Jomar’s stuff is contaminated with something bad whose affect may be unnoticeable but is cumulative and harmful to my health, I am certainly willing to take that chance.

This story about Jomar Labs is one of a number of reasons it is wisest to become Partners with the Mafia, rather than fight them.

If you go up against the America Mafia, there are too many ways they can beat you.

The Mafia can make so many people do whatever they tell them to, and keep their mouth shut.

For the Mafia to go to Jomar and talk to their key people in secret, and in doing so “mess up baggies” for the rest of us is “a piece of cake for them”. (I am not saying this happened, or that I have any proof whatsoever of this.  I am saying there was an enormously strong motivation to “mess up baggies so they did not work”, and that the Mafia could have easily made this happen by leaning on some Jomar Folks.)

Mafia force needs to be redirected towards “corrupt government officials”, “corrupt corporate officials”, and “all of the people who gained so much fiscally from all of the lies and subterfuge forced for decades upon us”.

If you can’t beat them join them, is what I am trying to convince Silicon Valley, the Mafia, and the Patriot Movement all at once.

The Mafia is not the biggest evil here, or even close.

They can be a Force for Great Good if they wanted to be, or were fiscally motivated to be–> which are more or less the same.  (Money talks, and bullshit walks is the Street phrase that applies here.)

The two mid-level Mafia fellows from Kansas City I met in Des Moines IA in OCT 2012 were both on my side after talking at some length, but their higher ups they met in downtown Des Moines at a meeting they attended went against them, and they were ordered to proceed with the hit against me.

Today, it would be a different story, I think.

The American Mafia has passed on many opportunities to take me out in the past year, Thank God.

If they did not pass on these opportunities, I would most probably be dead.

This has to mean something that they backed off trying to kill me.

Perhaps they are held in check by Google’s and Silicon Valley’s Awareness of me, and they still want me dead.

Or perhaps they are waiting to see what happens between the Patriot Movement, Silicon Valley, and the Feds. (To me, this is their wisest choice.  No one wants to be on the losing side of “the war we are in”.)

Despite the silence of the Mafia (they will not talk to me, despite being given multiple opportunities), I have to believe that these fellows want me to win, and to set up the deal I am proposing with Silicon Valley and the Patriot Movement, and have been proposing for some time.

If such is the case, there is no reason whatsoever for people here to fear helping me.

I personally am not afraid of the Mafia at all.

It’s the Feds that concern me, but even them I have No Fear Of Either.

Not here.

Not Anywhere really–> as long as “if I am killed, even in a sneaky way, the Smart Folks here will see through this staged event and know what really happened to me”.


Much of What is being stated in this blog involves Universal Truths that should be taught in high school to the entire human race.

All of this basic health knowledge that we have a human right to is currently being Federal Government, Big Pharma and Mafia Suppressed.

It is worthy to note that the American Mafia may “Switch Sides” and allow TRUTH IN HEALTHCARE TO HAPPEN.

The American Mafia may be Open to A Better Answer than what we are doing at present Healthcare-wise and Otherwise in America, as long as this answer does not cost the Mafia any money, or makes them more than they are making now.

If Silicon Valley Keeps This In Mind, things at a negotiating table should work out.

I do not blame the American Mafia at all for Big Pharma’s and Our Federal Government’s Myriad of Lies Regarding Healthcare.  They are simply the paid enforcer of such.

However, if the American Mafia does not “Switch Sides”, and They Stay With–>

Enforcing the Lies By Acting as MURDER, Inc. >>>Killing ANY AND ALL DISCOVERERS<<< that threaten Corporate America (Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Nuclear, etc.)–>


Such that the Smart Folks Out Here know what needs to happen After an Inevitable Patriot Revolution succeeds.

I sincerely hope the Mafia gets Smart SOON and Makes the Right Decision TO SWITCH SIDES BEFORE any Internet Woodstock Event.

I also hope that Silicon Valley is reasonable and at some point negotiates a Win-Win-Win Deal with them for the Sake of the Future of America.

Live or Die, I Feel Deeply Honored to Have Been Involved In A Critically Meaningful Way in an Effort To Save America, Humanity and the World.

I accept my Destiny, whatever it may be.

It would be Wise For Silicon Valley to Extract All of the Knowledge Value that it can from me while I am still here to tell this knowledge to you.

To Google–> The ball is in your court.

WordPress (Automattic) is too small and vulnerable to help me more than they are doing now it seems.

If they were not too small and vulnerable, the people involved with WordPress that are anonymously helping me online would have picked me up when I arrived here.

I am here to stay this time.

I am staying here in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area until Google and Silicon Valley either help me to help America and the world, or–>

I die from either natural or unnatural causes.

I cannot do the job God gave me on the means that I have, or do it alone.

Given the means and adequate support, I Can, and I Most Certainly Will, Change this World for the Better.

As Valuable as I am to a Justifiable Revolution in America due “Not to Who I Am” but to “What I Know”, I am a bit surprised at being abandoned here again.  This time I am not depressed, just surprised and a bit baffled as to “Why?” and/or “What Went Wrong?”.

Lastly, The Truth is the Truth, regardless of the lowly stature, the looks, the means or the eccentricities of its purveyor.

Allen Darman with critical and heroic help from Mark Jaquith of and some critical and heroic help from some anonymous WordPress People Out Here


For some reason I cannot copy things in the Visual Mode today.  I have to go to text mode to get a proper copy of the material above.

Germane Words From The Declaration of Independence and Some Reasons Why

It is About Time for a Justifiable Patriot Movement Revolution in the United States!

Dear Fellow Americans:

I am going to let the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence speak for itself with six exceptions.
These exceptions are:

1) “Any Government that mandates the hoax of Pharmaceutical Medicine upon its People, while unfairly restricting nutritional and natural supplements that could help its People achieve True Health and/or effect their health recovery, should be immediately abolished, and replaced with a less corrupt and more humane one.”

2) “Any Government that mandates the hoax of Pharmaceutical Medicine upon its People, while unfairly restricting Electro-Medicine (as per the discoveries of Royal Raymond Rife and Robert Beck) that could help its People achieve True Health and/or effect their health recovery, should be immediately abolished, and replaced with a less corrupt and more humane one.”

3)“Any Government that knowingly suppresses the Invention of The Water Powered Car by Stan Meyer, and then goes to war over access to Oil, should be immediately abolished, and replaced with a less corrupt one.”

4)“Any Government that knowingly and systematically suppresses numerous Energy Inventions (such as those compiled by Gary Vesperman) should be immediately abolished, and replaced with a less corrupt one.”

5)“Any Government that systematically rules in favor of a Corporation of any sort, or systematically rules in favor of a group of Corporations of any sort, at the expense of the Health, Wealth, Happiness, or Freedom of its People should be immediately abolished, and replaced with a less corrupt one.”

“Any Government that cannot manage its money to the point where it is clear that national bankruptcy is both imminent and inevitable should be immediately abolished, and replaced with a less stupid and more moral one.”

Allen Darman and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team!

Taken from The Declaration of Independence written in 1776:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

[end of excerpt]



1. The person that educated me the most in regard to the hoax of pharmaceutical medicine is a prolific alternative medical author named Dr. Sherry Rogers. Dr. Rogers threw most of her conventional medical training out the window in favor of the Truth.

All of Sherry Rogers written body of work can be found on

Almost all of Sherry Rogers written body of work can be found on as well.

[The only major lack in Sherry Rogers knowledge is that she does not know how to use free form amino acids to achieve profound therapeutic results. Robert Erdmann (in his book “The Amino Revolution”), my son Willy Darman, and I filled in this gap for her.]

2. The person that educated me “the second most” in regard to the hoax of pharmaceutical medicine is my own son Willy Darman.

Willy’s amazing recovery in his teen years from an ADHD diagnosis, classic bipolar symptoms, and sickly childhood health taught me a great deal.

My son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar! recovery story (June 2006)

Willy’s Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story (August 2007)

An Update Regarding Willy’s Amazing Recovery (June 2009)

A before picture of Willy at 10.5 years of age, and an after picture of Willy at 17.5 year of age, can be found on In regard to overcoming ADHD and manic depression naturally Willy has set a course to follow for the entire world.

Willy’s simple idea to take everything that had helped me supplement-wise all at once spells doom for pharmaceutical medicine unless Big Pharma succeeds in using bribery to change Federal law (changes such as those currently proposed by the FDA at

Willy’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless… (8-24-2011)

3. The Power of the Internet unburied the incredible story of Royal Raymond Rife, a man whose genius was of similar magnitude to that of Albert Einstein, and a man that found a way to cure cancer.

4. The Power of the Internet unburied the incredible story of a genius named Robert (Bob) Beck, and his finding an inexpensive at-home cure for Aids and cancer (amongst other things).

I wrote a blog on Bob Beck last year. It is titled “A Tribute to Bob Beck; A World Class Healer” (5-21-2010) and can be found at

5. The Power of the Internet unburied the incredible story of Stan Meyer, a genius from Ohio that invented a water powered car.

Simply Google search for Stan Meyer water car.

6. The Power of the Internet made Gary Vesperman’s list of Energy Invention Suppression Cases available to the general public and did so for free. (This is material that is likely to never be seen on TV, or written about in major newspapers.)

Gary’s list of ninety five separate incidences of energy (or energy related) invention suppression cases can be found on numerous sites on the Internet.

Simply Google search for Gary Vesperman energy invention suppression (or similar) to find Gary’s list of incidences of energy invention suppression.

One site for this material is

7. A blog that I wrote over a year ago that is related to the above point is:

Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems (8-30-2010)

Much of the above blog is some of Gary Vesperman’s material in regard to the suppression of numerous energy inventions, energy related inventions, or “free energy” inventions by our government and/or the powers-that-be. I cannot thank Gary Vesperman enough for writing what he did. His list awakened me to the systematic suppression of energy innovation technologies here in the United States. (Gary knowingly put his life on the line to make this list and publicize it on the Internet. He is a hero in my eyes,)

8. The Power of the Internet allowed the Truth about our national fiscal situation to reach the light of day.

I cannot recommend enough that persons sign up for the free newsletter from the National Inflation Association (NIA) at

I also cannot recommend enough that persons look at the video material that the NIA has generated, especially a movie called “MeltUp” that was made on May 13, 2010 (YouTube shows almost 1.2 million views of this movie).

The U.S. is broke, and the system to fix this (our Federal Government) is broken (dysfunctional) as well. Hyperinflation is coming soon, unless we radically change (what we are doing now).

9. The Power of the Internet gave “a little guy” (me) with very limited means living in a small city such as Utica, NY a way to eventually be heard worldwide.

My main site for years on the Internet has been This site is an organizational mess, in part due to the unusual circumstances that (a) since June 2006, the date that intentional hacking of every computer I use for any length of time began, I have more or less been “on the run”, and (b) since January 2010 there have been multiple attempts to take my life. (It’s a miracle that I am still alive.)

My most important blog to date other than this one is titled “The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Can Not Be Cured” (10/4/2011). It can be found at:

The above mentioned blog has a substantial links section that refers to many other blogs that I have written over the years. (Most of these blogs are finished. Many are admittedly not.)

Important Note: None of what I personally write is copyrighted. Anyone can use this material in any manner that they wish, whether I get any credit for writing it or not. I welcome persons to put the above material on their own website, or spread it amongst their Facebook, Google+ and Twitter friends. The Truths in the above material should be heard throughout America and worldwide. I cannot do it all in these regards, or come even close. (This is especially true due to the fact that I have been interfered with by hackers since June 2006, when I first put my son Willy’s Original Natural Recovery Story from ADHD and Bipolar Disorder on the Internet.)


Notable Quote:

“Any Government that mandates the hoax of Pharmaceutical Medicine upon its People, while unfairly restricting nutritional and natural supplements that could help its People achieve True Health and/or effect their health recovery, should be immediately abolished, and replaced with a less corrupt and more humane one.”Allen D


A Related Blog:

Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Healthcare and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)

A Complex War In America Is Close To Reaching The Boiling Point

A Short Introduction to Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team.

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

My name is Allen Darman.
I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69 And—>
I am a Truth Soldier for God.
If you want to know “where my heart Truly lies” read the blog titled—>
Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me.

I am the Author for a heroic WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team that is currently based in Florida, San Francisco and Albany NY (the latter may change soon).

Mark Jaquith of is in Florida, I, Allen D, am currently in Albany, New York. And we have a number of heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists in the San Francisco Bay Area that are Collaboratively Helping Us over the Internet.

We are Patriot Movement Internet Revolutionaries.  We are currently developing 21 Educational Websites for the Patriot Movement at this time.

Thankfully, we are being backed up and supported by many Silicon Valley Powers that Be, to include the companies of Google and Facebook it seems!

Our Patriot Movement WordPress Website Development Team is Collectively and Collaboratively Standing Up to Many Powers that Be, to include the extremely corrupt United States Federal Governmentother corrupt Federal Governments worldwideBig PharmaBig Oil, Big Nuclear Energy, Big Coalthe Illuminati, and the American Mafia (unless this latter organization “Switches Sides” as explained in the material below).  All of us have put our lives at risk out of a heartfelt sense of moral obligation to do so.

We are Standing Up for Ourselves, for Our Loved Ones, for Our Fellow Americans, for Humanity and for YOU! (the reader of this blog).

Allen D and Mark J—>

With Deeply Appreciated Help from the Management of Companies such as GoogleFacebook, and probably Twitter, deeply appreciated help from the People Underlying WordPress, and with Heroic Help from Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth! (These latter two may be one and the same. I have only a few clues.) 


All of my Fellow Americans should become Aware of the Truths contained in this WordPress Blog.

America is at a crossroads it seems.

Only fifty short years ago in 1963, America was not only a superpower in a military sense, it was a superpower economically the world over.

America is still a superpower in a military sense.  However, our lead in this regard is rapidly diminishing due to China’s ability to cheaply manufacture things of quality, to include military goods. It will not be too long before “China is stronger and more capable than us” in conventional and perhaps nuclear warfare.  (The Chinese can produce a tank or a plane for peanuts compared to us, and our technological lead in these regards may be short lived.)

America is no longer an economic superpower.  Indeed, Quite the Opposite is True.

In only about fifty years, we have gone from being the largest creditor nation (one in which everyone owed us money) in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world (we owe every economically healthy nation money these days it seems, and not a little, but trillions of dollars).

What the heck happened in only fifty years?

Despite the health of the U.S. Stock Market at present, (1) the collapse of the value of the dollar and (2) economic collapse in the United States are both mathematically inevitable, and may be about to happen fairly soon.  Many honest and savvy economists have been saying this on the Internet (primarily on YouTube) for years. Some of these economists are surprised that the United States economy and the value of the dollar has held up for as long as it has without already having collapsed.

America relies on what we produce in Hollywood, political showmanship, Main Stream Media and Federal Government Lies to hold it up at the present time. Very little Truth underlies all of this.  Almost all of it is either Mistruth, Lies by Omission, or Outright Lies.

There is going to come a day when simply printing more money, or other accounting shenanigans by the Federal Reserve or by the U.S. Federal Government in which to hide the truth in regard to (1) economic weakness and (2) lack of productivity in the United States—> Is Not Going To Fraudulently Hold Things Up Any Longer.

The World is justifiably losing faith in the American Economy and the American Dollar.  Once the World loses faith in the American Economy and the American Dollar—> a Major Shift away from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is going to occur.  (This shift away from the dollar as “the trading currency of choice worldwide” has already begun.)

America is “a house built on sand” in an economic sense.

Most of America’s manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas. Job growth in the United States involves low paying retail jobs, low paying service jobs, or tax dollar draining jobs created by the expansion of our federal government—> a fact that has been true for quite some time.

Due to unhealthy food, fraudulent medicine (as an alternative medical discoverer I know for a fact that almost all drug oriented medicine is a hoax), and bad trade policies that were adapted America is no longer the healthy and productive country that it once was shortly after WWII. Far too many Americans, both young and older, are unhealthy, and are unable to work.  Social Security Disability rates are rapidly rising.  Drug addiction and mental illness are rampant in America.  Meanwhile persons that find natural cures for such are repeatedly attacked by the Mafia in a murderous sense, while the Federal Government stands by idly and does nothing.  (I personally can attest to this—> It is a miracle that I am still alive, as many Mafia hit attempts that I have survived since Jan. 2010, while our Federal Government not only does nothing to help me, it mandates the hoax of drug oriented medicine upon the American Public via Obamacare.)

Many say (and I am one) that this weakening of America was intentionally engineered, probably by the Bilderberg, Illuminati, and/or Agenda 21 folks that want to depopulate the planet using whatever means that they can get away with.

American children are no longer competitive academically, nor is American manufacturing.  And much of the world is beginning to wisely shun our unhealthy GMO foods.

No good for the United States of America can come of all of this. Soon the world will wake up to the reality that is America today—> and soon “the time of reckoning will be upon us”.

Once economic collapse occurs in America, Martial Law, FEMA camp activation, and mass imprisonment (and perhaps mass extinction) of people that are telling the Truth (or have told the Truth) on the Internet will follow suit.

A substantial, and growing, portion of the American Public is not going to take all of this laying down. This portion of Aware American People realize that the United States Federal Government, and whatever powerful party or parties are behind it, Are Responsible For the Collapse in America.

These aware American people are going to stand up and fight by whatever means are necessary to do so. (If they do not, may God help us all.)

Partially as a result of a Free and Open Internet, many people in America know that our federal government is corrupt, and that it no longer represents the best interests of the people at all.  Dozen of Patriot Movement and “Save America” groups on Facebook discuss things similar to this.  These groups, many of which number in the thousands, represent only the tip of the iceberg as far as the awareness of the American public goes.  Many members of the American Military and American Law Enforcement are similarly aware that our federal government is corrupt and no longer represents the best interests of the American people as well.

A Complex War in America is close reaching the Boiling Point.

Action is About To Replace Words!

This Complex War is going to get physical (very possibly in 2014), make no mistake about this!

Our Federal Government has been preparing for civil war in America for years.  They know what is coming, in large part because “they are engineering it”.  They built FEMA camps all over the country, and stocked some of them with hundreds of thousands of large plastic coffins that will fit six bodies or more, a fact that the Main Stream Media continues to ignore.  Our federal government also bought 2 billion hollow point bullets for domestic use within the past year or two, another fact Main Stream Media ignores.  And they plan on putting 30,000 drones in the sky over America, a plan being enacted as quickly as possible it seems.

The expansion of the Department of Homeland Security in the United States knows no bounds. Many measures not named in the above have been taken to such that the Federal Government has the ability to Shut Down Freedom, and become a tyrannical controlling force in America.

Various actions taken by the federal government for quite some time show intent in regard to taking away the American Public’s 2nd Amendment Rights and/or restricting the American Public’s access to ammunition.

The federal  government is clearly preparing for massive civil unrest, if not massive civil war, in America.  And they are clearly trying to strip and/or weaken our ability to fight back.  They would not be doing these things without a strong reason (or reasons) to do so.

The federal government knows what is coming—> do you?

Wake Up America!

You had better>>> Become Prepared and Ready For Martial Law and Resultant Civil War in the United States!

It would be extremely wise for you to familiarize yourself with this complex war before it is too late!

Are you going to wait until the Federal Government is fully prepared to try to take away your freedom forever, or are you going to (1) educate all of those that you know and care about, and (2) organize yourselves into militia units that are ready to fight?

Educate Yourself! Knowledge is Power After All!

The More People that know “what this blog says”, the “Better Chance that We have of Succeeding at a Necessary and Justifiable Non-Violent Revolution“, or “Succeeding at a Necessary and Justifiable Revolution with a Minimum of Violence“, if violence need be.

What is a “Complex War”?

Admittedly, “a Complex War” is a phrase that has not been used much before.

A complex war is a war in which there are more than two sides that are fighting each other.

In this complex war, many different players are involved.

In actuality, in the complex war going on in America today, over two dozen “sides” are involved.  (I refer to these “sides” as “power structures” in the material below.)

It would be wise to familiarize yourself with these power structures because—>  No matter where you live in America—>

Or No Matter Where You Live in the World (for what happens in America is going to have a huge impact on the rest of the World too)—>

Your Own Personal Future, Your Personal Health, And Your Personal Wealth are dependent on the Outcome of the Complex War that is discussed in the material below.

It is Up to You! and the People that You Know, to ensure that when push comes to shove—> “We the People of America Win!”.

The future, the health and the wealth of your children and grandchildren dependent on the Outcome of this Complex War.

For their Sake, We the People Had Better Win!

In this war—> The Future of America Is At Stake!

The Future of Almost Everyone in America, not just a few!

So is the Future of the World as we know it at stake too.

Every Single Person on the Planet Earth will be heavily effected by the Outcome of this Complex War that we are in!

This “Complex War Blog” CONTAINS FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE THAT Virtually EVERYONE that can read—–>


You won’t hear what is in this Complex War Blog from the U.S. Government, but that does not mean that it is not true.

“Don’t Trust the Feds! They Lie All the Time! They Should Not Be Trusted at all!”


In essence, this blog defines America’s Big Problems in a nutshell, and Offers the Best Solutions without a lot of detail.

In my opinion, One of the Best Solutions For America To Change For the Better involves a Mutually Respectful Collaboration between Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American Public, and the American Mafia. 

[Unfortunately, the American Mafia will not discuss the above with me at the present time.  Until the American Mafia does begin and conclude a successful negotiation with Silicon Valley, it is wise, if not a must, to assume that the American Mafia is still allied with the U.S. Government, various Immoral Corporations, and the Illuminati/Agenda 21 folks that want to kill off over 90% of us, and enslave the rest.]


This Complex War WordPress Blog is THE MOST IMPORTANT WordPress Blog that I have written in my life.

It is the Most Important Blog that I have ever written because it contains an ***ACCURATE*** Big Picture Scenario of all of the Combatants that are Involved in a Complex War that is going on at this time, not only in America, but in much of the rest of the world too.  Allen D 


The Power Structures in a Complex War Currently Being Fought “Behind Closed Doors” Are As Follows—>

Power Structure Number One is “the Immoral Corporations”.

The Immoral Corporations ARE THE BIG EVIL HERE. They have Control of Governments Worldwide via the Methodologies of Bribing Politicians, Bribing Main Stream Media, and By Employing the Mafia to Use Force (and to Kill When They Feel It Is Necessary).

Power Structure Number Two >>>Federal Governments Worldwide<>to Include our own United States Federal Government Of Course.<<<

Our Own U.S. Federal Government and Other Federal Governments Worldwide ARE THE NEXT BIGGEST EVIL after the Immoral Corporations.

Almost All, If Not Virtually All, Federal Governments Worldwide ***DO NOT*** “Put the Welfare Of Their People First”.


Power Structure Number Three is the American Mafia.

Few persons realize the Depth and Strength of the Mafia’s Power, both in America and Worldwide.

Even Fewer Persons realize that it can be Justifiably Stated that “the American Mafia has gained control of all three branches of the Federal Government in the United States of America”.

The Thrust in much of my blogging for the past six months or more is that the Key To Regaining American Freedom and Fixing America’s Many Serious Problems is to convince the American Mafia to “Switch Sides” and Work With Silicon Valley to Replace Our Current Federal Government, and To Pay The American Mafia Well on an Annual Basis out of the U.S. Federal Treasury for doing so.

It is my sincere belief that the American Mafia should meet with Google, Facebook, WordPress Corporate and my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team after the Mafia and I talk things out first.

The American Mafia has repeatedly attempted to murder both myself and my San Francisco WordPress Team members in the past.  In my opinion, our past history with the Mafia is not what matters the most; it is the future of America that is paramount.

I firmly believe that the American Mafia, Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, and the American Public can and should “cut a mutually beneficial deal with each other”.

I DO NOT SEE THE MAFIA AS EVIL unless They Go Against God’s Will and the Will of The People by Killing Me or any other Member of my heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team.

I SEE THE MAFIA AS AN EXTREMELY HELPFUL ALLY TO HAVE ON ONE’S SIDE ON AN ONGOING BASIS To Straighten Out What Is Wrong with America, and To Make Sure that Things Do Not Ever Get This Screwed Up Again.

The Mafia is “like a gun”. It represents FORCE. This Gun, or this Force, can be Pointed In Either the Right Or The Wrong Direction. If the Mafia Did “Switch Sides”, they went from “Being Pointed In The Wrong Direction” to “Being Pointed In The Right Direction”.

Power Structure Number Four Thinks They Are Good—>But They Are Really Evil!

Who is Power Structure Number Four?

Power Structure Number Four Is the Illuminati, the New World Order Folks, the Agenda 21 folks, the Bilderberg Group, the Club Of Rome, the Wealthy Elite, or whatever these people want to call themselves.

This is a very small, but immensely wealthy and powerful group of folks that want to sneakily kill off well over 90 percent of us, and enslave the rest.

Admittedly, the earth we live on does have a serious Overpopulation Problem. This problem sure could use the best and the brightest in America to work on it, and it is going to require the Collaboration of All Nations.

The World’s Overpopulation Problem does not need a sneaky answer foist upon on all of us, especially our innocent children, by Power Structure Number Four.

Power Structure Number Four Has No Right to Attempt To Heavily Depopulate This Planet using (1) a Wide Range of Pharmaceutical Medicines and Vaccines based on Intentionally Fraudulent Science, (2) Poisons in our drinking water such as fluoride and others, (3) Airborne Poisons dumped on us from above, (4) Soil borne Poisons, (5) Poisonous food additives, (6) Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Foods, (7) Forced Climate Change (Climate Change that would not need to happen if numerous Energy Inventions of all sorts were not Intentionally Federal Government Suppressed), (8) the Use of Mafia Force to intimidate and/or kill anyone that is a real threat to Power Structure Number Four, (9) Mainstream Media Brainwashing, and (10) a plethora of lies.

What right do these wealthy and powerful people have in regard to choosing who lives and who dies?

Neither Money Nor Might Makes Right.

Nor Do Either Money Nor Might Give One THE RIGHT to PLAY GOD.

“If God is to be played at all, it should be played by the Collective God in All Humanity, and not just the will of a few.”

Power Structure Number Five is The Will Of the People in America.

We Are the Only Nation With Enough Guns in the Hands of the People. Without Millions of Guns in the Hands of the Public we would not stand a chance. (Yes, life is that brutal.)

Power Structure Number Six is the exploding Patriot Movement in America.

The Patriot Movement is at the Forefront of Revolution in America.  It is made up of Awake and Aware People that realize that an entire system change is necessary, and that a Revolution Involving Massive Civil Disobedience and/or Massive Force is needed to get there.

Power Structure Number Seven is Women!

Thank God For Heroic, Awake and Aware Women!  I know for a fact that there are a lot of heroic women out there in San Francisco and elsewhere supporting my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team! 

Logo Title: Womens Day 2013 *Just Think of What Is Going To Happen* in the future When All the Women of the World Become Connected Over the Internet!

What’s nice about this is “the Mafia frowns on killing women!”, and “the Feds do too!” “Everybody frowns on such!”  It’s About Time You Women Said “Enough Is Enough!”—> Let’s straighten out this mess you men have made of Everything! If you men don’t behave and do what we say, we’ll sick the Mafia on you! until you do.

Power Structure Number Eight Is The Hacker Group known as Anonymous.

The Hacker Group Anonymous stands by Ready to Give the United States Government fits if it unjustly censors the Internet.  Can you imagine if this blog, or if other effective Revolutionary material, was “what came up on your screen” when you went to the Obamacare website to buy health insurance?  Anonymous can make this happen, and will do things very similar to this on a repetitive basis from computers all over the world if the U.S. Federal Government gets stupid and “tries to shut down Freedom of Speech in America”.

Power Structure Number Nine is The Truth.


The Internet, Desktop Computers, Laptops, Smart Phones and Time Assure This (the Above).

Power Structure Number Ten is God.

God is in Every Human Being… and More So in Those Persons that Are Obedient to Him Or Her Or Whatever God May Be.

To go against Nature and the Universal Order of Things is to go against God.

I like my father Arthur Darman’s phrase God Nature. Art equated the Natural World and the Universal Order of Things with God. So do I.

And believe me, in going against God… or against Nature… a penalty will be paid for such.

Climate change is one example of this.

Lack of health from eating GMO foods is another.

Using toxic medications to attempt to cure human health conditions while suppressing the healing power of nutritional supplements to do the same is another example as well.

Ignoring the God Given Design And The Digestive Efficiency of the Human Digestive System when treating virtually ANY Human Health Condition is another. Overpopulation of the Planet Earth is the last example of Going Against God Nature that I will mention today in this regard—>

But there are others as well.

God Is In This Picture.
Power Structure #10 is the MOST Powerful OF ALL!

Make No Mistake About This!

God Is “On the Side of the People”.

God wants us to justly, humanely and smartly figure out a way to get out of the mess we have gotten ourselves into.

Power Structure Number Eleven Is My Revolutionary WordPress Patriot Movement Website Development TEAM, As Well As—>

ALL Of The SMART Silicon Valley And “INTERNET CONNECTED PEOPLE” that have become Aware of us, and—>


On our Twenty WordPress Websites and 1 dot or 2 Com Websites.

The Gateway Website to All of these Websites is below—>

Our Patriot Movement Team’s >>>Primary PATRIOT MOVEMENT WordPress Website!<<

  • Screenshot

The Above Website has 20 or 21 Websites that are Feeding It and Supporting It. (To Bring the Feds Down we found that we could use four or five more.)



Power Structure Number Twelve Is The Internet Powerhouse called Google.


Thank God For Google! The United States Of America and the World both Owe a Great Deal! to this Morally Driven Corporate Entity that Is A Champion For Internet Freedom And The Truth!

I love Google’s Mission Statement on their “About” Page—>

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google’s “About Mission Statement” has “not one word out of order or out of place”, as far as I’m concerned.  Perfectly Stated! And I could not agree more!

Incidentally, the Google Corporation plays a rather unique role in All Corporate History!

Google is essentially—>

“The Gateway to All Human Knowledge” in this modern day and age!!!

Wow! What could be More Special and More Powerful than being “The Gateway to All Human Knowledge”!

What a Special Destiny that Google has! (just as my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team has as well!)

Even if the Feds Shut Down the Internet, and thus temporarily strip Google from being able to—>

Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


The exploding Patriot Movement will undoubtedly be able to “fix this Internet Censorship soon” (by one way or another).

Thank You Google! from the bottom of my heart!  

In fact, >>>All<<< of us WordPressWarriors for the Truth Thank You Very Much!—>

For all of the very brave, if not heroic, Internet Search Results help that you are giving us! —>

On November 7, 2013, our WordPress Patriot Movement Website Development Team is either THE ENTIRE FRONT PAGE or ALMOST THE ENTIRE FRONT PAGE in regard to Google Search Results for—>

U.S. Government Suppression of Truth


federal government suppression of truth


social data revolution in America


social data revolution worldwide


1st Internet Woodstock


WordPress collaborative internet team

And for giving us “a Big Chunk of Page One For—>

the power of a free and open internet

Power Number Thirteen is the Internet Powerhouse called Facebook.

I firmly believe that Facebook has also Become Aware Of and Is Being Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Website Development Team.

My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team And I Wish to DEEPLY THANK Facebook, not only for Supporting Us, but for Supporting the Rapid Rise of the Patriot Movement on the Internet!!!

Like Google (and Google+), Facebook has the inherent power to Wake Up a Billion People practically overnight.

Power such as this—> the Ability to rather quickly Make a Billion People Aware of the Truth, Whatever that Truth may be—> is World Changing Power, to say the very least.

Power Structure Numbers Fourteen Through Twenty Four are All Internet Related, or somewhat related to the Internet.

YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WordPress or any other Blogging Platform, Video Conferencing, Email, Every Other Method Not Yet Named Of Sharing Information Over The Internet With Others, Apple, Samsung, and—>

ALL Alternative News Sources of Truthful Information (many of them with millions of Twitter subscribers or more).

Powers NumberTwenty Five On Up, are all those Respected News and Knowledge Sources with over a Million Followers on the Internet.  (Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, David Icke, Mike Adams, George Noory, Dr. Mercola, the Drudge Report, etc.  I wonder how long it is going to be before “They All Justifiably Carry Our Team’s Websites as a Link on Page One”.)


We are living at the Most Exciting Time in Human History due to the Expansion of the Use of Computers, Smart Phones, and the Internet in America and Worldwide! and the Growth of The Power of the Internet!

The Power of the Internet Can And Should Be Applied To Helping America Stop From Going Down The Course of Self Destruction It Is On. (The same goes for many other countries in the world too.)

Due to the Power of a Free and Open Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and Brightest People in America and the World Have the Ability to Connect With and Work With Each Other No Matter WHERE THEY MAY BE!

Due to the Power of the Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and the Brightest People in America (and Worldwide in those countries that are uncensored) NOW HAVE THE ABILITY TO Collaboratively Tackle America’s and Humanity’s Problems<<>>and FIND THEIR SOLUTIONS!!!<<<

Buried Secrets and Suppressed Truths of All Sorts, Especially In The Realms of (1) the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, (2) Energy Invention Suppression and (3) 9/11 Truth are Finally Coming to the Light of Day due to >the Power of a Free and Open Internet!<

Even if the U.S. Federal Government (1) Shuts the Internet Down or (2) Censors the Internet Unjustifiably In Order To Save Its Corrupt Self<<>>the U.S. Government WILL NOT BE ABLE To Enforce This Lack of Freedom of Speech for Long< > for U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Internet Censorship Actions WILL DEFINITELY SPARK a Winnable JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION in America!!!

The Truth On Many Critical Topics being realized by the masses can only be slowed down by our corrupt U.S. Federal Government and other corrupt governments worldwide.

The Truth Cannot Be Stopped.

The Complex War is one in which the People and the Truth Will Inevitably Win!

Thank God For Google, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, the Patriot Movement, the hacker group Anonymous, a Lot of Good People Everywhere, and the Power of a Free And Open Internet.

Most Importantly, I Would Like to Deeply Thank a true American Hero named Mark Jaquith of
And All Of Those Smart WordPress Website Development Folks in San Francisco that Heroically Stood Up For Me in April 2012.

In the foreseeable future, I also hope to thank the American Mafia In Person for “Wisely Switching Sides” and coming onboard with Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American People and My Heroic WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team in order to Save American Health, American Freedom and the American Economy, and Perhaps Save the World too.

I refuse to believe that God Nature designed humanity to destroy itself and the planet it inhabits.

It sure appears to me that Due to the Power of the Internet (a Power that is growing), Humanity has finally gained the Wisdom, the Knowledge, and the Ability To Save Both Itself and the Fragile Planet It Inhabits.

It also appears that in the end, things are all going to work out, regardless of what may or may not happen to me.

Allen D (with help from his deeply appreciated heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team)


Some Personal Notes By Allen D

I refuse to Live In Fear of Being Murdered Any More. If there is a trap set for me, I choose to not avoid it.

I am currently residing at my sister Laurie’s rented house in Albany NY as I write this.

If either the U.S. Government (Suspect #1 and the Most Likely Party To Do So), the Illuminati (Suspect #2), the American Mafia (Suspect #3, or perhaps “my best friend” IF THEY “Wisely SWITCH SIDES”), Big Pharma (Suspect #4) or Big Oil (Suspect #5) acts against me while residing at my sister’s Laurie’s house in Albany NY in the Fall or the Winter of 2013, they will suffer the consequences of this.

If Internet Martyrdom is going to be my fate, so be it.

My Destiny is in God’s Hands, not mine. Who am I to “second guess God?”. I gracefully Accept the Destiny that God may have in store for me for the rest of my life, however long or short it may be.

If Surviving the Storm such that My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team and I REMAIN ALIVE TO BE *the Key Catalyst* in Leading America (and Eventually the World) Out Of The Fate Of The Dire Course It Is On, so be it as well.

In getting this Complex War WordPress Blog to the state it is now in, I HAVE completed a Major Step in Helping America and the World To Accurately and Truthfully Understand Where It Is At and What It Needs To Do To Fix Things<<

>>>I Have No Fear Whatsoever Left In Me Any More!<<<


I Owe So Many So Much for Living Long Enough to Complete this WordPress Blog to the point where it is today.

First and Foremost, I Owe My Mother And Father Arthur and Marion Darman.

My mother and father Groomed Me, and Prepared Me Well, for the Epic Battle that I have been in against Big Pharma, the Mafia, Big Oil and the U.S. Government beginning in the Summer of the Year 2000.  (This Epic Battle Began as a Result of My Gaining a World Leading Degree of Knowledge (#1) in Regard to How to Properly Treat a State of Biochemical Depression via Natural Means as a result of a Series of Personal Discoveries that I made between July 1997 and April 2000.)

Many of the Persons that I Owe a Great Debt of Gratitude To Are Extremely Likely To Be In The Upper Management of the Google Corporationthe Facebook Corporationthe Twitter Corporation, Other Software, Hardware and/or Silicon Valley Entities, and the people underlying the WordPress Corporation named Automattic.

I wish to Deeply Thank You All! for what you have done—>

And have done for so long and in so many ways—>

(1) To Help me personally (you quite literally may have saved my life—> assuming that “the Power of the Internet is strong enough”),

(2) To Help my heroic WordPress PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team (you may be saving their lives as well),

(3) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Mental And Degenerative Illnesses; Cures that Did Not Exist Before,

(4) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Bone, Joint, Muscular, and Wound Healing.

(5) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Addiction of any sort (only tobacco still has me puzzled).

(6) To Help my Alternative Medical Suppression By the Federal Government a) Knowledge and b) Discovery,

7) To Help my Energy Invention Suppression Knowledge (things I learned from Gary Vesperman and other persons as well),

8) To Help my Patriot Movement Educational Efforts to foster a Justifiable Revolution in America (and Foster Justifiable Revolution Worldwide as well) via the Internet.

9) To Help My Efforts to Spark Some Silicon Valley Corporation to Bravely Step Up to the Plate, and either Sponsor or Co-sponsor (with many co-sponsors perhaps) a Worldwide Internet Woodstock Event called either iWOODSTOCK—>



10) To Help by Providing Enough Internet Witnesses such that I can sit down with the American Mafia in NYC and bargain soon from the Standpoint of “Equal Strength”, and not Weakness.  

Without Your Help, my Many Alternative Medical Discoveries, my MAJOR Alternative Medicine CO-DISCOVERY (along with my son Willy), my Revolutionary WordPress Work and—>

My life—>

Would likely have been in vain. 

Mark Jaquith of Covered Web Services is one of the persons that I Owe So Much To.

Thank You Mark!

I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life.

The Anonymous Heroic San Francisco WordPress Website Developers who first stood up for me despite the great Personal Risks involved know who you are. (I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life as well.)

I wish to Thank YOU ALL Deeply and in a very heartfelt way!

Thank You So Much!!!

Thank You So VERY MUCH!!!

For Heroically Joining and Supporting from afar my WordPress Website Development efforts on April 9, 2012!

And THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting MY efforts over the Internet ever since!!!!!

(((I Love You All!)))

Allen D


Mark J 

With Our Deeply Appreciated Help From GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress 

And Our Deeply Appreciated and Quite Heroic Help from—>

Our San Francisco Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth!


Are Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Truth, Energy Invention Truth, and 9/11 Truth Internet Revolutionaries!


Internet Educational Course Development
WordPress Website Revolutionaries!
 as well.

We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more! 

It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and the Rest Of Humanity Free!


Some Related WordPress Blogs—>

1) About Allen D

2) From YouTube; 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth

3) Longstanding United States Federal Government Suppression of Energy Inventions (10-22-2013)


4) An Internet Based Federal Government Should Have Eight Presidents Rather Than One

5) Internet Woodstock Thinking On April 9 2012

6) Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-30-2011)

I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

7) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (Timeless> A WordPress Blog That *Tells My Alt Med Heart*)

I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

8) Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution

9) Obamacare Should Cause A Second Revolution In America (10-30-2013)

10) Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Health Care and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)

11) Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

12) The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

13) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010

14) Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)

15) Seven Persons That Redefined Healing For The World (11-4-2010)

16) Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013

17) About Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

18) The 1st Internet World War Has Begun!

19) The Power Of A Free And Open Internet Is Going To Soon Bury The U.S. Federal Government With The Truth!

20) 21 Revolution Educational Websites For The Patriot Movement In America

21) Allen D Is Looking Forward To November 7th; He Hopes The Mafia Shows Up

22) What Does The Fact That The Mafia Will Not Talk To Allen D Mean?

>Perhaps More Links Coming from NYC in November if “the Mafia wishes to to Finally Ally With and Support “My Save America and the World Efforts”.  (This is apparently not the case.  See Related Blog Link #22 for more details.)

>Or perhaps sometime in November some heroic people in Silicon Valley will provide me with “A Roof Over My Head” in the San Francisco Bay Area in Order to “WordPress Collaborate” and—>

“Think Collaborate” in regard to “How can we best save America?” from the dire course that it is on—>

A course “that Dooms American Health, Wealth and Freedom”.

>Or Perhaps Neither the American Mafia or Silicon Valley will extend a hand to me to November.  If this is the case, I will simply Continue to Develop on a Daily Basis 19 WordPress Websites and 2 dot com Websites (whose goal is to Foster a Justifiable Patriot Movement Revolution in the United States) from “right where I am”, which is 201 Hollywood Ave. in Albany NY 12209


Notable Quotes by Allen D

2012 was not the End of the World! It was the Turning Point Worldwide in regard to the End of Lies!

Many Patriot Movement And Silicon Valley Heroes Are Rising To The Cause In America!!! The Bad Guys Don’t Stand A Chance!

If the American Mafia is not going to help with a Justifiable Revolution in America, the bottom line here is that Silicon Valley powerhouses such as Google and Facebook are going to simply have to do more. 

Before We Fix Things in America, Hard Times are inevitably going to come upon us. We need to anticipate the some of the specifics of these hard times, and come up with a plan to defuse or mitigate them. Some Examples are>>> What if they shut down the Internet???, or if they shut down Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, etc. All At The Same Time??? Or what if the Grocery Stores ran out of food??? Or if the Banks ran out of money??? What if the Electrical Grid Shut Down In Much Or Most Of The U.S., to include “where you live”. What if the water supply of the plumbing in your house and your city ran dry, and nothing came out of your faucets? What if the United States Government Declared Martial Law Nationwide? Think things out, and then Prepare for the Very Worst Case Scenario as quickly and WISELY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN, STARTING WITH STORING A MONTH’S WORTH OF WATER FOR EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

A New Day Is Coming To America—> Click on the Picture to find out—>

The U.S. Government

Has Monitored and <—Censored This “Concepts and Ideas For Internet Based Government” Revolutionary WordPress Website

Since December 17th 2012 It seems!


Some Final Notes:

Any portion of this landmark WordPress blog, or this blog in its entire form, can be used, copied, reprinted, reposted, put on Websites of any sort, or put anywhere on the Internet by any person or party that desires. This material may be used in any manner that the reader wishes. It is not copyrighted by me in any way. Allen Darman


A Complex War In America Is Going To Get Physical Soon! (11-6-2013)


All of my Fellow Americans should become Aware of the Truths contained in this WordPress Blog.

A Complex War in America is close reaching the Boiling Point.

Action is About To Replace Words!

This Complex War is about to get physical (probably in 2014), make no mistake about this!

You had better>>> Become Prepared and Ready For This!

It might be best for you to familiarize yourself with this complex war before it is too late!  (Educate Yourself! Knowledge is Power After All!)

The More People that know “what this blog says”, the “Better Chance that We have of Succeeding at a Necessary and Justifiable Non-Violent Revolution“, or “Succeeding ata Necessary and Justifiable Revolution with a Minimum of Violence“, if violence need be.

What is a “Complex War”?

Admittedly, “a Complex War” is a phrase that has not been used much before.

A complex war is a war in which there are more than two sides that are fighting each other.

In this complex war, many different players are involved.

In actuality, in the complex war going on in America today, over two dozen “sides” are involved.  (I refer to these “sides” as “power structures” in the material below.)

It would be wise to familiarize yourself with these power structures because—>  No matter where you live in America—>

Or No Matter Where You Live in the World, for what happens in America is going to have a huge impact on the rest of the World too!

Your Own Personal Future, Your Personal Health, And Your Personal Wealth are dependent on the Outcome of this Complex War.—>

It is Up to You! and the People that You Know, to ensure that “We Win!”.

So are the futures, the health and the wealth of your children and grandchildren dependent on the Outcome of this Complex War.

For their Sake, We Had Better Win!

In this war—> The Future of America Is At Stake!

The Future of Everyone in America, not just a few!

So is the Future of the World as we know it at stake too.

Every Single Person on the Planet Earth will be heavily effected by the Outcome of this Complex War that we are in!

This “Complex War Blog” CONTAINS FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE THAT Virtually EVERYONE that can read—–>


You won’t hear what is in this Complex War Blog from the U.S. Government, but that does not mean that it is not true.

“Don’t Trust the Feds! They Lie All the Time! They Should Not Be Trusted at all!”

A Short Introduction to Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team.

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

My name is Allen Darman.
I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69 And—>
I am a Truth Soldier for God.
If you want to know “where my heart Truly lies” read the blog titled—>
Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me.

I am the Author for a heroic WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team that is currently based in Florida, San Francisco and Albany NY (the latter may change soon).

Mark Jaquith of is in Florida, I, Allen D, am currently in Albany, New York. And we have a number of heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists in the San Francisco Bay Area that are Collaboratively Helping Us over the Internet.

We are Patriot Movement Internet Revolutionaries.  We are currently developing 21 Educational Websites for the Patriot Movement at this time.

Thankfully, we are being backed up and supported by many Silicon Valley Powers that Be, to include the companies of Google and Facebook it seems!

Our Patriot Movement WordPress Website Development Team is Collectively and Collaboratively Standing Up to Many Powers that Be, to include the extremely corrupt United States Federal Governmentother corrupt Federal Governments worldwideBig PharmaBig Oil, Big Nuclear Energy, Big Coalthe Illuminati, and the American Mafia (unless this latter organization “Switches Sides” as explained in the material below).  All of us have put our lives at risk out of a heartfelt sense of moral obligation to do so.

We are Standing Up for Ourselves, for Our Loved Ones, for Our Fellow Americans, for Humanity and for YOU! (the reader of this blog).

Allen D and Mark J—>

With Deeply Appreciated Help from the Management of Companies such as GoogleFacebook, and probably Twitter, deeply appreciated help from the People Underlying WordPress, and with Heroic Help from Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth! (These latter two may be one and the same. I have only a few clues.) 


One of the Best Solutions For America To Change For the Better involves a Mutually Respectful Collaboration between Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American Public, and the American Mafia.

In essence, this blog defines America’s Big Problems in a nutshell, and Offers the Best Solutions without a lot of detail.


This Complex War WordPress Blog is THE MOST IMPORTANT WordPress Blog that I have written in my life.

It is the Most Important Blog that I have ever written because it contains an ***ACCURATE*** Big Picture Scenario of all of the Combatants that are Involved in a Complex War that is going on at this time, not only in America, but in much of the rest of the world too.  Allen D 


The Power Structures in a Complex Battle Currently Being Fought “Behind Closed Doors for the most part” Are As Follows—>

Power Structure Number One is “the Immoral Corporations”.

The Immoral Corporations ARE THE BIG EVIL HERE. They have Control of Governments Worldwide via the Methodologies of Bribing Politicians, Bribing Main Stream Media, and By Employing the Mafia to Use Force (and to Kill When They Feel It Is Necessary).

Power Structure Number Two >>>Federal Governments Worldwide<>to Include our own United States Federal Government Of Course.<<<

Our Own U.S. Federal Government and Other Federal Governments Worldwide ARE THE NEXT BIGGEST EVIL after the Immoral Corporations.

Almost All, If Not Virtually All, Federal Governments Worldwide ***DO NOT*** “Put the Welfare Of Their People First”.


Power Structure Number Three is the American Mafia.

Few persons realize the Depth and Strength of the Mafia’s Power, both in America and Worldwide.

Even Fewer Persons realize that it can be Justifiably Stated that “the American Mafia has gained control of all three branches of the Federal Government in the United States of America”.

The Thrust in much of my blogging for the past six months or more is that the Key To Regaining American Freedom and Fixing America’s Many Serious Problems is to convince the American Mafia to “Switch Sides” and Work With Silicon Valley to Replace Our Current Federal Government, and To Pay The American Mafia Well on an Annual Basis out of the U.S. Federal Treasury for doing so.

Since October 3, 2013 I have gotten the sense and some significant hints via the Internet that the American Mafia headquartered in NYC has (1) Finally Made the Wise decision to at least seriously consider “Switching Sides”! and Assist Google, Facebook, Other Silicon Valley Players and my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team in regard to Starting and Winning a Justifiable Revolution in America,
And that (2) The American Mafia Is Willing to meet with me and talk.  

It is also my sincere belief that the American Mafia will also want to meet with Google, Facebook, WordPress Corporate and my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team after the Mafia and I talk things out first.

This Attitude of the American Mafia at present (assuming my assumptions are correct) represents a huge change from not long ago when the American Mafia was attempting to repeatedly murder both myself and my San Francisco WordPress Team members.

I firmly believe that the American Mafia, Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, and the American Public can and should “cut a mutually beneficial deal with each other”.




I admit to all that I may be wrong in my assumptions in regard to the above. However, I have received some Hints Via the Internet that would lead anyone with a logical and deductive mind to the Conclusion that the Above Assumptions Are Correct.

I DO NOT SEE THE MAFIA AS EVIL unless They Go Against God’s Will and the Will of The People by Killing Me or any other Member of my heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team.

I SEE THE MAFIA AS AN ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL ALLY TO HAVE ON ONE’S SIDE ON AN ONGOING BASIS To Straighten Out What Is Wrong with America, and To Make Sure that Things Do Not Ever Get This Screwed Up Again.

The Mafia is “like a gun”. It represents FORCE. This Gun, or this Force, can be Pointed In Either the Right Or The Wrong Direction. If the Mafia Did “Switch Sides”, they went from “Being Pointed In The Wrong Direction” to “Being Pointed In The Right Direction”.

Power Structure Number Four Thinks They Are Good—>But They Are Really Evil!

Who is Power Structure Number Four?

Power Structure Number Four Is the Illuminati, the New World Order Folks, the Agenda 21 folks, the Bilderberg Group, the Club Of Rome, the Wealthy Elite, or whatever these people want to call themselves.

This is a very small, but immensely wealthy and powerful group of folks that want to sneakily kill off well over 90 percent of us, and enslave the rest.

Admittedly, the earth we live on does have a serious Overpopulation Problem. This problem sure could use the best and the brightest in America to work on it, and it is going to require the Collaboration of All Nations.

The World’s Overpopulation Problem does not need a sneaky answer foist upon on all of us, especially our innocent children, by Power Structure Number Four.

Power Structure Number Four Has No Right to Attempt To Heavily Depopulate This Planet using (1) a Wide Range of Pharmaceutical Medicines and Vaccines based on Intentionally Fraudulent Science, (2) Poisons in our drinking water such as fluoride and others, (3) Airborne Poisons dumped on us from above, (4) Soil borne Poisons, (5) Poisonous food additives, (6) Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Foods, (7) Forced Climate Change (Climate Change that would not need to happen if numerous Energy Inventions of all sorts were not Intentionally Federal Government Suppressed), (8) the Use of Mafia Force to intimidate and/or kill anyone that is a real threat to Power Structure Number Four, (9) Mainstream Media Brainwashing, and (10) a plethora of lies.

What right do these wealthy and powerful people have in regard to choosing who lives and who dies?

Neither Money Nor Might Makes Right.

Nor Do Either Money Nor Might Give One THE RIGHT to PLAY GOD.

“If God is to be played at all, it should be played by the Collective God in All Humanity, and not just the will of a few.”

Power Structure Number Five is The Will Of the People in America.

We Are the Only Nation With Enough Guns in the Hands of the People. Without Millions of Guns in the Hands of the Public we would not stand a chance. (Yes, life is that brutal.)

Power Structure Number Six is the exploding Patriot Movement in America.

The Patriot Movement is at the Forefront of Revolution in America.  It is made up of Awake and Aware People that realize that an entire system change is necessary, and that a Revolution Involving Massive Civil Disobedience and/or Massive Force is needed to get there.

Power Structure Number Seven is Women!

Thank God For Heroic, Awake and Aware Women!  I know for a fact that there are a lot of heroic women out there in San Francisco and elsewhere supporting my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team! 

Logo Title: Womens Day 2013 *Just Think of What Is Going To Happen* in the future When All the Women of the World Become Connected Over the Internet!

What’s nice about this is “the Mafia frowns on killing women!”, and “the Feds do too!” “Everybody frowns on such!”  It’s About Time You Women Said “Enough Is Enough!”—> Let’s straighten out this mess you men have made of Everything! If you men don’t behave and do what we say, we’ll sick the Mafia on you! until you do.

Power Structure Number Eight Is The Hacker Group known as Anonymous.

The Hacker Group Anonymous stands by Ready to Give the United States Government fits if it unjustly censors the Internet.  Can you imagine if this blog, or if other effective Revolutionary material, was “what came up on your screen” when you went to the Obamacare website to buy health insurance?  Anonymous can make this happen, and will do things very similar to this on a repetitive basis from computers all over the world if the U.S. Federal Government gets stupid and “tries to shut down Freedom of Speech in America”.

Power Structure Number Nine is The Truth.


The Internet, Desktop Computers, Laptops, Smart Phones and Time Assure This (the Above).

Power Structure Number Ten is God.

God is in Every Human Being… and More So in Those Persons that Are Obedient to Him Or Her Or Whatever God May Be.

To go against Nature and the Universal Order of Things is to go against God.

I like my father Arthur Darman’s phrase God Nature. Art equated the Natural World and the Universal Order of Things with God. So do I.

And believe me, in going against God… or against Nature… a penalty will be paid for such.

Climate change is one example of this.

Lack of health from eating GMO foods is another.

Using toxic medications to attempt to cure human health conditions while suppressing the healing power of nutritional supplements to do the same is another example as well.

Ignoring the God Given Design And The Digestive Efficiency of the Human Digestive System when treating virtually ANY Human Health Condition is another. Overpopulation of the Planet Earth is the last example of Going Against God Nature that I will mention today in this regard—>

But there are others as well.

God Is In This Picture.
Power Structure #10 is the MOST Powerful OF ALL!

Make No Mistake About This!

God Is “On the Side of the People”.

God wants us to justly, humanely and smartly figure out a way to get out of the mess we have gotten ourselves into.

Power Structure Number Eleven Is My Revolutionary WordPress Patriot Movement Website Development TEAM, As Well As—>

ALL Of The SMART Silicon Valley And “INTERNET CONNECTED PEOPLE” that have become Aware of us, and—>


On our Twenty WordPress Websites and 1 dot or 2 Com Websites.

The Gateway Website to All of these Websites is below—>

Our Patriot Movement Team’s >>>Primary PATRIOT MOVEMENT WordPress Website!<<

  • Screenshot

The Above Website has 20 or 21 Websites that are Feeding It and Supporting It. (To Bring the Feds Down we found that we could use four or five more.)


Power Structure Number Twelve Is The Internet Powerhouse called Google.


Thank God For Google! The United States Of America and the World both Owe a Great Deal! to this Morally Driven Corporate Entity that Is A Champion For Internet Freedom And The Truth!

I love Google’s Mission Statement on their “About” Page—>

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google’s “About Mission Statement” has “not one word out of order or out of place”, as far as I’m concerned.  Perfectly Stated! And I could not agree more!

Incidentally, the Google Corporation plays a rather unique role in All Corporate History!

Google is essentially—>

“The Gateway to All Human Knowledge” in this modern day and age!!!

Wow! What could be More Special and More Powerful than being “The Gateway to All Human Knowledge”!

What a Special Destiny that Google has! (just as my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team has as well!)

Even if the Feds Shut Down the Internet, and thus temporarily strip Google from being able to—>

Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


The exploding Patriot Movement will undoubtedly be able to “fix this Internet Censorship soon” (by one way or another).

Power Number Thirteen is the Internet Powerhouse called Facebook.

I firmly believe that Facebook has also Become Aware Of and Is Being Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Website Development Team.

My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team And I Wish to DEEPLY THANK Facebook, not only for Supporting Us, but for Supporting the Rapid Rise of the Patriot Movement on the Internet!!!

Like Google (and Google+), Facebook has the inherent power to Wake Up a Billion People practically overnight.

Power such as this—> the Ability to rather quickly Make a Billion People Aware of the Truth, Whatever that Truth may be—> is World Changing Power, to say the very least.

Power Structure Numbers Fourteen Through Twenty Four are All Internet Related, or somewhat related to the Internet.

YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WordPress or any other Blogging Platform, Video Conferencing, Email, Every Other Method Not Yet Named Of Sharing Information Over The Internet With Others, Apple, Samsung, and—>

ALL Alternative News Sources of Truthful Information (many of them with millions of Twitter subscribers or more).

Powers NumberTwenty Five On Up, are all those Respected News and Knowledge Sources with over a Million Followers on the Internet.  (Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, David Icke, Mike Adams, George Noory, Dr. Mercola, the Drudge Report, etc.  I wonder how long it is going to be before “They All Justifiably Carry Our Team’s Websites as a Link on Page One”.)


We are living at the Most Exciting Time in Human History due to the Expansion of the Use of Computers, Smart Phones, and the Internet in America and Worldwide! and the Growth of The Power of the Internet!

The Power of the Internet Can And Should Be Applied To Helping America Stop From Going Down The Course of Self Destruction It Is On. (The same goes for many other countries in the world too.)

Due to the Power of a Free and Open Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and Brightest People in America and the World Have the Ability to Connect With and Work With Each Other No Matter WHERE THEY MAY BE!

Due to the Power of the Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and the Brightest People in America (and Worldwide in those countries that are uncensored) NOW HAVE THE ABILITY TO Collaboratively Tackle America’s and Humanity’s Problems<<>>and FIND THEIR SOLUTIONS!!!<<<

Buried Secrets and Suppressed Truths of All Sorts, Especially In The Realms of (1) the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, (2) Energy Invention Suppression and (3) 9/11 Truth are Finally Coming to the Light of Day due to >the Power of a Free and Open Internet!<

Even if the U.S. Federal Government (1) Shuts the Internet Down or (2) Censors the Internet Unjustifiably In Order To Save Its Corrupt Self<<>>the U.S. Government WILL NOT BE ABLE To Enforce This Lack of Freedom of Speech for Long< > for U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Internet Censorship Actions WILL DEFINITELY SPARK a Winnable JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION in America!!!

The Truth On Many Critical Topics being realized by the masses can only be slowed down by our corrupt U.S. Federal Government and other corrupt governments worldwide.

The Truth Cannot Be Stopped.

The Complex War is one in which the People and the Truth Will Inevitably Win!

Thank God For Google, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, the Patriot Movement, the hacker group Anonymous, a Lot of Good People Everywhere, and the Power of a Free And Open Internet.

Most Importantly, I Would Like to Deeply Thank a true American Hero named Mark Jaquith of
And All Of Those Smart WordPress Website Development Folks in San Francisco that Heroically Stood Up For Me in April 2012.

In the foreseeable future, I also hope to thank the American Mafia In Person for “Wisely Switching Sides” and coming onboard with Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American People and My Heroic WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team in order to Save American Health, American Freedom and the American Economy, and Perhaps Save the World too.

I refuse to believe that God Nature designed humanity to destroy itself and the planet it inhabits.

It sure appears to me that Due to the Power of the Internet (a Power that is growing), Humanity has finally gained the Wisdom, the Knowledge, and the Ability To Save Both Itself and the Fragile Planet It Inhabits.

It also appears that in the end, things are all going to work out, regardless of what may or may not happen to me.

Allen D (with help from his deeply appreciated heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team)


Some Personal Notes By Allen D

I refuse to Live In Fear of Being Murdered Any More. If there is a trap set for me, I choose to not avoid it.

I am currently residing at my sister Laurie’s rented house in Albany NY as I write this.

If either the U.S. Government (Suspect #1 and the Most Likely Party To Do So), the Illuminati (Suspect #2), the American Mafia (Suspect #3, or perhaps “my best friend” IF THEY “Wisely SWITCH SIDES”), Big Pharma (Suspect #4) or Big Oil (Suspect #5) acts against me while residing at my sister’s Laurie’s house in Albany NY in the Fall or the Winter of 2013, they will suffer the consequences of this.

If Internet Martyrdom is going to be my fate, so be it.

My Destiny is in God’s Hands, not mine. Who am I to “second guess God?”. I gracefully Accept the Destiny that God may have in store for me for the rest of my life, however long or short it may be.

If Surviving the Storm such that My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team and I REMAIN ALIVE TO BE *the Key Catalyst* in Leading America (and Eventually the World) Out Of The Fate Of The Dire Course It Is On, so be it as well.

In getting this Complex War WordPress Blog to the state it is now in, I HAVE completed a Major Step in Helping America and the World To Accurately and Truthfully Understand Where It Is At and What It Needs To Do To Fix Things<<

>>>I Have No Fear Whatsoever Left In Me Any More!<<<


I Owe So Many So Much for Living Long Enough to Complete this WordPress Blog to the point where it is today.

First and Foremost, I Owe My Mother And Father Arthur and Marion Darman.

My mother and father Groomed Me, and Prepared Me Well, for the Epic Battle that I have been in against Big Pharma, the Mafia, Big Oil and the U.S. Government beginning in the Summer of the Year 2000.  (This Epic Battle Began as a Result of My Gaining a World Leading Degree of Knowledge (#1) in Regard to How to Properly Treat a State of Biochemical Depression via Natural Means as a result of a Series of Personal Discoveries that I made between July 1997 and April 2000.)

Many of the Persons that I Owe a Great Debt of Gratitude To Are Extremely Likely To Be In The Upper Management of the Google Corporationthe Facebook Corporationthe Twitter Corporation, Other Software, Hardware and/or Silicon Valley Entities, and the people underlying the WordPress Corporation named Automattic.

I wish to Deeply Thank You All! for what you have done—>

And have done for so long and in so many ways—>

(1) To Help me personally (you quite literally may have saved my life—> assuming that “the Power of the Internet is strong enough”),

(2) To Help my heroic WordPress PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team (you may be saving their lives as well),

(3) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Mental And Degenerative Illnesses; Cures that Did Not Exist Before,

(4) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Bone, Joint, Muscular, and Wound Healing.

(5) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Addiction of any sort (only tobacco still has me puzzled).

(6) To Help my Alternative Medical Suppression By the Federal Government a) Knowledge and b) Discovery,

7) To Help my Energy Invention Suppression Knowledge (things I learned from Gary Vesperman and other persons as well),

8) To Help my Patriot Movement Educational Efforts to foster a Justifiable Revolution in America (and Foster Justifiable Revolution Worldwide as well) via the Internet.

9) To Help My Efforts to Spark Some Silicon Valley Corporation to Bravely Step Up to the Plate, and either Sponsor or Co-sponsor (with many co-sponsors perhaps) a Worldwide Internet Woodstock Event called either iWOODSTOCK—>



10) To Help by Providing Enough Internet Witnesses such that I can sit down with the American Mafia in NYC and bargain soon from the Standpoint of “Equal Strength”, and not Weakness.  

Without Your Help, my Many Alternative Medical Discoveries, my MAJOR Alternative Medicine CO-DISCOVERY (along with my son Willy), my Revolutionary WordPress Work and—>

My life—>

Would likely have been in vain. 

Mark Jaquith of Covered Web Services is one of the persons that I Owe So Much To.

Thank You Mark!

I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life.

The Anonymous Heroic San Francisco WordPress Website Developers who first stood up for me despite the great Personal Risks involved know who you are. (I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life as well.)

I wish to Thank YOU ALL Deeply and in a very heartfelt way!

Thank You So Much!!!

Thank You So VERY MUCH!!!

For Heroically Joining and Supporting from afar my WordPress Website Development efforts on April 9, 2012!

And THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting MY efforts over the Internet ever since!!!!!

(((I Love You All!)))

Allen D


Mark J 

With Our Deeply Appreciated Help From GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress 

And Our Deeply Appreciated and Quite Heroic Help from—>

Our San Francisco Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth!


Are Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Truth, Energy Invention Truth, and 9/11 Truth Internet Revolutionaries!


Internet Educational Course Development
WordPress Website Revolutionaries!
 as well.

We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more! 

It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and the Rest Of Humanity Free!


Some Related WordPress Blogs—>

1) About Allen D

2) From YouTube; 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth

3) Longstanding United States Federal Government Suppression of Energy Inventions (10-22-2013)


4) An Internet Based Federal Government Should Have Eight Presidents Rather Than One

5) Internet Woodstock Thinking On April 9 2012

6) Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-30-2011)

I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

7) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (Timeless> A WordPress Blog That *Tells My Alt Med Heart*)

I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

8) Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution

9) Obamacare Should Cause A Second Revolution In America (10-30-2013)

10) Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Health Care and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)

11) Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

12) The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

13) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010

14) Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)

15) Seven Persons That Redefined Healing For The World (11-4-2010)

16) Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013

17) About Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

18) The 1st Internet World War Has Begun!

19) The Power Of A Free And Open Internet Is Going To Soon Bury The U.S. Federal Government With The Truth!

20) 21 Revolution Educational Websites For The Patriot Movement In America

21) Allen D Is Looking Forward To November 7th; He Hopes The Mafia Shows Up

>Perhaps More Links Coming from NYC in November if “the Mafia wishes to to Finally Ally With and Support “My Save America and the World Efforts”.

>Or perhaps sometime in November some heroic people in Silicon Valley will provide me with “A Roof Over My Head” in the San Francisco Bay Area in Order to “WordPress Collaborate” and—>

“Think Collaborate” in regard to “How can we best save America?” from the dire course that it is on—>

A course “that Dooms American Health, Wealth and Freedom”.

>Or Perhaps Neither the American Mafia or Silicon Valley will extend a hand to me to November.  If this is the case, I will simply Continue to Develop on a Daily Basis 19 WordPress Websites and 2 dot com Websites (whose goal is to Foster a Justifiable Patriot Movement Revolution in the United States) from “right where I am”, which is 201 Hollywood Ave. in Albany NY 12209


Notable Quotes by Allen D

2012 was not the End of the World! It was the Turning Point Worldwide in regard to the End of Lies!

Many Patriot Movement And Silicon Valley Heroes Are Rising To The Cause In America!!! The Bad Guys Don’t Stand A Chance! 

The American Mafia Is Even Rising To The Cause In America! Or so it sure seems! (I hope to find out one way or another where the Mafia stands in early November 2013.) This Respected Organization Represents >>>The Key That Is Needed To Save America<<< From The Disastrous Fiscal Course It Is On Now.

Before We Fix Things in America, Hard Times are inevitably going to come upon us. We need to anticipate the some of the specifics of these hard times, and come up with a plan to defuse or mitigate them. Some Examples are>>> What if they shut down the Internet???, or if they shut down Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, etc. All At The Same Time??? Or what if the Grocery Stores ran out of food??? Or if the Banks ran out of money??? What if the Electrical Grid Shut Down In Much Or Most Of The U.S., to include “where you live”. What if the water supply of the plumbing in your house and your city ran dry, and nothing came out of your faucets? What if the United States Government Declared Martial Law Nationwide? Think things out, and then Prepare for the Very Worst Case Scenario as quickly and WISELY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN, STARTING WITH STORING A MONTH’S WORTH OF WATER FOR EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

A New Day Is Coming To America—> Click on the Picture to find out—>


Some Final Notes:

Any portion of this landmark WordPress blog, or this blog in its entirety, can be used, copied, reprinted, reposted, put on Websites of any sort, or put anywhere on the Internet by any person or party that desires. This material may be used in any manner that the reader wishes. It is not copyrighted by me in any way. Allen Darman


Some Key Blog Links For The Patriot Movement In America

Dear Fellow Americans:

Educate yourselves before it is too late!  Your Own Self Education is the Crucial Key to America Becoming Unstuck from >Federal Government Suppression of Truth< (Google gave my heroic Website Development Team 10 of 11 Results on Page 1).

If the Majority of my Fellow Americans were Aware of the >U.S. Government Suppression of Truth< (Google gave us 10 of 11 Results on Page 1 here too) contained in the following blogs, our corrupt Federal Government would “Fall to the Truth!” in short order.

How is American going to get unstuck from where it is now?

Via a Justifiable Revolution to take the U.S. Federal Government down, of course!

Educate Yourself! The Top Five Blogs in the list below are especially important.

We suggest that you set aside the time to read one of these blogs a day.

Allen D and Mark J and Heroic Help from Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth

1) A Complex Battle IS NOW UNDERWAY!; The Future Of The World Is At Stake!

2) From YouTube; 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth

3) Longstanding United States Federal Government Suppression of Energy Inventions (10-22-2013)


4) An Internet Based Federal Government Should Have Eight Presidents Rather Than One

5) Internet Woodstock Thinking On April 9 2012

6) Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-30-2011)

I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

7) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (Timeless> A WordPress Blog That *Tells My Alt Med Heart*)

I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

8) Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution

9) Obamacare Should Cause A Second Revolution In America (10-30-2013)

10) Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Health Care and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)

11) Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

12) The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

13) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010

14) Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)

15) Seven Persons That Redefined Healing For The World (11-4-2010)

16) Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013

17) About Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

18) About Allen D

19) The 1st Internet World War Has Begun!

20) The Power Of A Free And Open Internet Is Going To Soon Bury The U.S. Federal Government With The Truth!

21) 21 Revolution Educational Websites For The Patriot Movement In America

22) Allen D Is Looking Forward To November 7th; He Hopes The Mafia Shows Up


Obamacare Should Cause A Second Revolution In America (10-30-2013)

Obamacare was “a bought, paid for and pressured political decision backed up by a corrupt and pressured  Supreme Court”.

Obamacare was essentially a last ditch desperate effort to prop up the hoax of drug oriented medicine by Federal Mandate, due to the fact that alternative medicine had exposed much of conventional medicine to be a hoax on the Internet.

Obamacare was proposed and passed in order to save Big Pharma and conventional medicine from the Truth.

Obamacare strongly suggests, if not proves, Big Pharma, FDA, Mafia, and U.S. Government Collusion and Collaboration and 

It Proves Widespread Federal Government Corruption.

Obamacare proves continued Federal Government Alternative Medical Truth Suppression as well.

Drug Oriented Medicine is a Crime Against Humanity that is As Evil As the Holocaust, despite the fact it is not always fatal. (Pharmaceutical drugs inadvertently kill only about 120,000 people a year; people that died from taking various medications “as prescribed and directed”.)

However, Drug Oriented Medicine compromises far more lives than the Holocaust ever did.

Drug Oriented Medicine leaves tens of millions of people, to include many millions of children and teenagers, stuck and suffering in illnesses with names such as depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, autism, and schizophrenia. These are all illnesses involving malabsorption and broad essential nutrient deficiencies, and a high degree of toxicity and allergy as well. They are all illnesses which could actually BE CURED by natural means, and without the use of ANY pharmaceutical drug whatsoever.

Unfortunately, the Federal Government DOES NOT ALLOW THESE CURES TO HAPPEN BY LAW.


“Only a Drug Can Prevent, Cure, and/or Treat Any and All Disease.”


“No Natural Non-Drug Measure or Nutritional Supplement Whatsoever Can Prevent, Cure, or Treat Any and All Disease.”  

It is against official FDA policy (FDA policy is Federal Law) to allow the Use of Natural NON-DRUG Measures to Heal.  (If Doctors get caught doing this, they lose their medical license to practice medicine.)


It is Time for a Patriot Movement Revolution in America as a result of Obamacare (and therefore drug oriented medicine) being forced down our throats and forced upon “our pocketbooks” as a result of widespread federal government corruption.

And it is Time for the Truth in regard to a great deal of Alternative Medical Discovery to be both widely practiced and widely heard.

Think of all of the money that America could save by getting rid of the enormous hoax of drug oriented medicine. And think of all of the tens of millions of Americans whose health could be regained, if only there was Truth and Honesty in medicine for a change!

Obamacare should cause a Justifiable Second Revolution in America as soon as it is practical or possible to do so.

Thank Google and God for the Power of a Free and Open Internet! An Internet that still allows the Truth to Be Heard.

Allen D with help from his heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Important Related Links:

1)  Seven Persons That Redefined Healing For The World (11-4-2010)

2)  The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010

3)  Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

4)  Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-30-2011) I was nearly killed soon after this blog was written.

5)  Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)

6)  The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

7)  Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Health Care and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)

8)  Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013

9)  A Complex Battle Is NOW Underway; The Future Of The World Is At Stake! (10-28-2013)

10) 21 Revolution Educational Websites For The Patriot Movement In America


The U. S. Government Is Going To Make A Censorship Move Against The Internet Soon!!! (10-25-2013)

Important Note: A Strong Warning to my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team>>> I hit the nail on the head in “what is stated below”.  I am almost certain of this. Allen D

Dear Patriots and Fellow Americans:

Simple Logic and Deduction tells me that>>>

FALL TO THE TRUTH! within a matter of months! (by Christmas perhaps! and certainly no later than the 1st Internet Woodstock event which was being considered for this coming July!)



Do NOT Underestimate the United States Government and what Lies, False Flag Attacks and/or Other Subterfuge that they will use in order to circumvent a rapidly brewing Justifiable Revolution in America.

Remember the Morality of the United States Federal Government!

This is a Government that has Suppressed Energy Inventions for Almost a Century! The Water Powered Car, Rory Johnson’s Magnatron Motor, Cold Fusion, the high mileage carburetors of Charles Pogue, Allen Caggiano and many others, “free electricity” of all sorts—> all went down the drain due to United States government suppression. 

This is also a Government that has Suppressed  Alternative Medical Discoveries for almost a century! Royal Raymond Rife, Bob Beck, myself, and many other persons all suffer from–> 

United States government and FDA suppression!

The U.S. Government is a body that quite literally lets Special Interests and Corporations “GET AWAY WITH MURDER” of ANYONE that becomes a threat to them or their Corporate Partners.

This is a Government that Was Involved in the Cover Up of the JKF assassination.

This is a Government which Used the False Flag Attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to drag us into the Vietnam War. 

And this is a Government that Was Almost Certainly Involved in (1) the Planning, (2) the Execution, and (3) the Cover Up of What Really Happened on 9/11!

In light of the Above—>

“I certainly would Not Trust the United States Government!”

The United States Government has four “Very Big Problems” at present. 

One Big Problem is that “The Patriot Movement is exploding in America”.  

The U.S. Government is Most Certainly Aware of The Above Fact via their Monitoring of Facebook, and their Monitoring of the Internet in General.

A second Big Problem is my heroic WordPress Collaborative Website Development Team, and all of the executives and employees of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Automattic (the company underlying WordPress) that have Become “Aware of Us” and “Believe In What We Are Saying”.

A third Big Problem is that my heroic WordPress Website Development Team is making rapid and significant progress in regard to (1) Developing 17 Patriot Movement Websites, and (2) Developing a Free Set of Patriot Movement Educational Courses.  

Although this material is not done yet, as far as my WordPress Team and I have gotten progress-wise in the past nineteen days or so, I can imagine how far we will be by Thanksgiving or perhaps Christmas! (We will be “close to done”, at least “adequately so”.) 

A fourth Big Problem is that the American Mafia might “Switch Sides”, and Join Silicon Valley and the Patriot Movement in order to topple the federal government.

Even if the American Mafia unwisely “Opts To Not Switch Sides”, if the Internet remains Open and Free much longer, the U.S. Government is Doomed to Fall to the Truth!

It is Doomed to Fall to the Truth Because Awareness of Multiple Revolutionary Truths (from many Websites, Alternative News Sources and Social Media Sources) is expanding exponentially as a result of a Free and Open Internet!

As a Simple Matter Of Its Own SELF PRESERVATION, within a matter of months the United States Government is going to have to Come Up With Some Excuse (Martial Law after “an engineered economic or dollar collapse” perhaps?) to either (1) Shut Down or (2) Heavily and Unjustly Censor the Internet.

When at War it is Wise to Anticipate Your Enemy or Enemies Moves—> So that you can counter these moves with moves of your own.

Here is One Move that is Essential for Those that Value and Love the Truth->

All those that can afford such should acquire a High Output LASER PRINTER->

>>>And Create Disc BACKED UP—>

Microsoft Word DOCS (files)

WordPress files

Or “Whatever Printable Files”—>

Of ALL USEFUL Patriot Movement REVOLUTIONARY TRUTHS that you can.


The High Output Laser Printer that you purchase, and the BackUp Revolutionary Files that you create  

***WILL Almost Certainly BECOME***


When the United States Government ***INEVITABLY*** either Shuts Down or Unjustly Censors the Internet by the summer of 2014 or even quite a bit before!

Do Not Give Up!

All is not lost!

We the People Can Definitely Win this War for the Truth! (May God help our children and grandchildren if we don’t!)

However, it sure would help if thousands of us Patriots became “Properly Prepared” (as per the two measures suggested above).

It would also Greatly Help if Internet Industry Powerhouses such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress both individually and jointly “thought out a plan of defensive action” based on what this Landmark WordPress Blog is saying. 

Give Us Liberty Or Give Us Death.  There is No Compromise here.

It is about time for the United States Government to be replaced by an efficient e-government designed by the Smart and Moral Folks in Silicon Valley.  

And it is about time For the Truth in both America and the World To Be Set Free!

Allen D and Mark J


Appreciated Help from GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress 

And Heroic Help from our
San Francisco Hippie Gang of

WordPressWarriors for the Truth! 



Are Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Truth, Energy Invention Truth, and 9/11 Truth Internet Revolutionaries! and—> 

Internet Educational Course Development
WordPress Website Revolutionaries!
 as well.

We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more! It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and Humanity Free!


A Closely Related Blog:

A Complex Is NOW Underway; The Future Of The World Is At Stake! (10-24-2013)

The “Complex Battle Blog” located at  is A MUST READ! Blog for All of my Fellow Americans! 

The “Complex Battle Blog” CONTAINS >>> FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE THAT Virtually EVERYONE that can read—>


You won’t hear what is in this Complex Battle Blog from the U.S. Government, but that does not mean that it is not true.

“Don’t Trust the Feds! They Lie All the Time! They Should Not Be Trusted at all!”


The Copy of this Landmark WordPress Blog is “essentially done”. However, this blog still needs a Picture (or Pictures) and a Number of Clickable Links Underlying Words and Phrases Need to Be Installed. This work will be completed on 10-25-2013.

FEMA Vans Are Likely To Begin Loading American Citizens Before Spring; A Blog Written 2 Years Ahead Of Its Time (10-22-2013)

A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution WordPress Blog Link>

Important Notes:

The Landmark WordPress Blog Below was originally written on December 20, 2011—> About ten days >Before< the Original NDAA bill was FIRST approved by President Obama, AND therefore MADE INTO LAW

I hope my Fellow Americans Take Strong Heed To What This “FEMA VANS Blog” is saying. The >>> Single Most Important Thing <<>>That Kept Me Alive through roughly 35 murder attempts over the past 45 months;>>”I Could Anticipate Them”;<< Such that I had a solid sense of “what the Mafia was going to do in advance and when”. This Same Ability “To Anticipate My Enemy” Applies to the United States Federal Government as well.

Allen D 


Dear Fellow Americans:

Every bit of genius God gave me at birth and every ounce of my being tells me that the way things are going in the United States (and elsewhere) the following is VERY likely to occur in the U.S. soon:

Not only am I going to be taken away and locked up soon (unless I adequately defend against this), but other persons are going to be taken away and locked up soon as well. (And after being locked up, some of us are going to be killed.)

I am in 100% agreement that there IS A New World Order (NWO) agenda, as espoused by Jesse Ventura, David Icke, Jeff Rense, and Alex Jones (and others as well, of course).

This NWO agenda is threatened by the growing awareness, strength, and vigor of the OWS movement  [the proper phrase today is “the Patriot Movement”].

Those behind this NWO agenda (the Illuminati? the Bilderbergs? the Club of Rome? The Freemasons?) see “the Handwriting on the Wall”.

The Illuminati know that as the OWS Movement (the Patriot Movement) Matures over the winter, and then continues to Mature on the street this spring, that “they are Done”.

It goes even further than this. The Illuminati know that they will have to find a way to successfully hide from us (if we beat them in this War we are in) in order to save their own lives for “what they already have done to us” (and have been doing to us for decades, if not over a century).

The Illuminati are justifiably afraid of “Nuremberg trials all over again”. (And they are afraid of being convicted and then hung.)

Given the above, it is “the smarter strategic maneuver” for the Illuminati Is To Fight Us (the 99% is Us ) as soon as it is practical or possible to do so.

This is because “the more the OWS movement Matures” [the proper phrase today is “the more the Patriot Movement Matures], and thus becomes more knowledgeable in regard to “free energy invention suppression”, “alternative medical suppression” and “me” (a Suppressed Alternative Medicine Discoverer that has undergone about 35 individual attempts on my life since January 2010), the worse it is going to be for them (and the more likely they will lose against us).

What does this all mean?

It means that the Illuminati? the Bilderbergs? the Club of Rome? (or whatever they are called) are going to ***SOON INITIATE the War Against Us (the 99%).*** (Initiate means “Start”, for those of you unfamiliar with the word.)

If my assumptions in the above are correct (I firmly believe that they are), the following is true:

We are rapidly running out of time in which to prepare for being attacked by the Illuminati. (Those of us that are Most Awake/Aware are especially at risk here.)

We that are Most Awake might be locked up or dead before the OWS Movement is on the streets in force again this April or May. (We might even be locked up or dead long before this… say in January.)

It might be VERY WISE for us ***to consider with what Means we can defend ourselves*** given that an attack on us is coming very soon.

And then it might be wise for us to rapidly implement what we have decided upon is a reasonable plan for “our own defense”.

One suggestion that I have in the above regard is for those of us that are Awake to band together in groups of four to six people or so and live together in two family houses or large dwellings all over the country (and the world as well).

The above would greatly help to avoid “secretive arrest”, and “secretive gassing or poisoning” as we could and would all watch out for each other. (“You watch my back and I will watch yours” is classic guerilla warfare strategy.)

A living arrangement such as what is suggested in the above IS ENORMOUSLY HELPING ME AT THE PRESENT TIME.

My three housemates watch out for me at all times, especially the two of them on “my floor”. (Incidentally, there is an empty bedroom on my floor that I pay for. If one can stand a lot of cockroaches, it’s free for the taking to the right person.)

The above “simplicity”, along with some other rather simple security measures, has successfully kept the Mafia at bay for months, despite the fact that “they were almost literally at my door” (to fulfill their longstanding desire to kill me).

The “simple security arrangement” of the watchful company of my peers is apparently working, as amazingly (to me) I am still alive after what I have blogged these past four and a half months.

I am almost certain that I would have been dead at the hands of the Mafia in September or October 2011 without my current “defensive living situation”, one that I call a “bunker apartment”.

Incidentally, this is my third “bunker apartment” in the past two years. I needed all of them. (They all prolonged my life.) Albums of pictures of my first two “bunker apartments” (one in Utica NY and the other in Phoenix AZ) can be found on my Allen Darman Facebook account as follows:

My Bunker Apartment in Utica, NY November 10, 2010

My Bunker Apartment In Phoenix… lol. March 5, 2011

The FEMA camps in the U.S. have coffins for millions.

Sometime soon the Illuminati is going to do its best to start filling these coffins, starting with “the Most Awake” (most aware). (What really concerns me at the moment is that this “sometime” for “me” is highly likely to mean “well before the OWS meets on the street” this April or May.)

FEMA Vans and FEMA trains are coming for us soon (one before the other) here in the U.S.

First it will be unmarked vans arresting some persons and taking them away under the NDAA guidelines defining “domestic terrorists”, and what should be done about them. (Some of us that are Awake are in Great Jeopardy from NDAA now. I sure feel this way.)

Then it will be trains being filled to haul people off en masse for either Indefinite Detention or slaughter, just like the Nazis did. (This latter may admittedly take a a few years or so, after the Illuminati has gained full Military, Police, and Civilian control.)

The only possible way to stop the above remake of the death camp(s) extermination scenario in Nazi Germany from reoccurring is this… those of us that are Awake successfully fight back using (1) the Power of the Internet, (2) using the Power of Bunker Apartments/Houses to protect us from secretive harm while using the Internet, (3) using the Power of Numbers (their being so many more of Us than them), and (4) using the Power of the Truth.


We are at War!!!

We need to get REAL SMART in regard to War Strategy ***and do so quickly***, or we may very well lose this War we are in.

This is the first War being fought with Modern Weapons, such as laptops, cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, and THE TRUTH.

Neither machine guns nor nuclear bombs nor all of the money in the World stand a chance against the Truth.

However, to tell the Truth one must be alive.

From the standpoint of strategy, I am convinced that those of us fighting the NWO would be wise to band together in “Internet connected and networked” small groups.

Small and supportive groups housed in “bunker apartments” or “bunker houses” is our best way to fight against the Power and Wealth of the Illuminati, or whatever they are called.

If we are Smart about this, Use Good Strategy, and Are Careful At All Times… the Power and the Wealth of the Illuminati does not stand a chance.

Truth Trumps Lies, if we are alive to tell it to the World.

Do any heroic people want to join with me to tell the Truth to the World? (I sure could use some competent and Awake help.)

God help us all if the Bad Guys win.

Signed on October 22, 2013 by Allen D and Mark J With Deeply Appreciated Help from GoogleFacebookTwitterWordPressthe People Underlying WordPress and Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth! 


Web Address of this blog:

Some Related Blogs:

The Five Fundamental Rules To Correct All Mental Illness (8-30-1011)

The Big Coincidence That Spells Doom To Big Pharma (10-27-2010)

The Bottom Line Underlying Coming Governmental Censorship of the Internet (12-18-2011)

Congress Declares Offensive War on the Internet in NDAA (An Article from Pakalert Press on 12-18-2011)

Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems (8-30-2010)

Much of the above blog is Gary Vesperman’s material in regard to the suppression of numerous “free energy” discoveries by our government and the powers-that-be. This man is a real hero in my eyes. I cannot thank Gary Vesperman enough for writing what he did.

A Blog I Wrote In 2006 Heavily Criticizing Our Federal Government (12-18-2011)

Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

I Have Made The Top Ten Most Wanted List For FEMAcare It Seems (12-18-2011)

Occupy Portland Outsmarts Police Creating Blueprint for Other Occupations (12-19-2011)


***Note #1: ALL of my written material is not copyright protected in ANY way. Anyone and everyone may send my written material via any means to any other person or party that they wish. In addition to this, anyone and everyone may put my Nutrientscure WordPress blogs on their own website if they wish. Everyone has my permission to do so without asking me this. Allen Darman***

***Note #2: I would like to acknowledge Lester Macgurdy, and a Brilliant! article that he wrote for the Occupy Portland street paper, titled “Occupy Portland Outsmarts Police, Creating Blueprint for Other Occupations” dated 12/15/2011. (A link to this Lester Macgurdy article is in the Related Blogs section in the material below.) This Great Article Lester wrote gave me the idea for this blog. Thank you Lester, I owe you one. I sure hope we get to have a beer or two someday. I’ll buy, for “they are on me” for sure.***

***Note #3: This blog contains “a winning strategy” against the NWO’s evil agenda, or so I sure think. (I sure hope that I live long enough to participate in this Victory!)***

***Note #4: As with many of my blogs, this blog may continue to be upgraded over time.***

Web Address of the above original material:

Originally Posted NutrientsCure on WordPress on December 20, 2011


Facebook Twitter And GOOGLE+ *Standard SHARE COPY BLOCK*—>

FEMA Vans Are Likely To Begin Loading American Citizens Before Spring; A MUST READ Blog Ahead Of Its Time>

—> Or SHARE USING The Facebook, Twitter and WordPress BUTTONS At The BOTTOM of the WordPress Blog Link Reflected Above.


on Suppression By Allen D WordPress Blog Web Address>
on Suppression By Allen D WordPress Blog Link>

Checkmate! The Feds Are Done WordPress Blog Web Address>
Checkmate! The Feds Are Done WordPress Blog Link>

A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution WordPress Blog Web Address>

A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution WordPress Blog Link>

The Power Of A Free And Open Internet Has Stumped Federal Government, Illuminati And Mafia Suppression Of The Truth (10-21-2013)

A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution WordPress Blog Link>


Those that Seek to Suppress the Truth Are Done!

The Power of a Free and Open Internet Is Going To Bury Them with the Truth!

Due to the Exponentially Expanding Power and Use of a Free and Open Internet—>

This may happen soon! And—>

It may happen far sooner than most people think.

A Great Awakening in regard to Truth Suppression is Occurring Both in America and Worldwide! Thanks to Corporations such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and WordPress, a lot of very brave, if not a lot of quite heroic people, and a Free and Open Internet!!!!!

The Google Corporation is–>

A Champion for a Free and Open Internet–>

And the Google Corporation is–>

A Champion for the Truth!

Thank God For

The heroic Corporation called Google has the Power to Save the World! I believe that they are using this power very wisely!

Allen D


A Pictorial Preface


My Son Willy (above and below) went from a child that had an undiagnosed onset of bipolar disorder at six years of age, a diagnosis of ADHD, and sickly childhood health to No Longer Having Either ADHD or Bipolar Disorder, and having the health and strength that not one young man in a million has, as shown by the picture below that was taken at 17 and a half years of age.  What we did, and what we learned, was heavily suppressed. (It is a Miracle that I am still alive to write this blog.)


Dear Fellow Americans:

The Power Of A Free And Open Internet Has Stumped The Suppressors Of Truth It Seems!

I personally am a Suppressed Alternative Medical Discoverer and Co-Discoverer.

I am–>

A Suppressed Alternative Medical Discoverer and Co-Discoverer—>

Of the Proper Way to Cure DepressionADHD,Bipolar Disorder, PTSD (this I personally know for a fact), Schizophrenia (this I know for a fact), probably Autism and MS, Alcoholism, and almost All Other Addictions via Natural Means (tobacco still has me stumped, but gambling, meth, heroin, crack, cocaine etc. do not).

As a Suppressed Alternative Medical Discoverer, I had to survive multiple murder attempts since January 2010 before I could ensure that I would inevitably be heard by the majority of my fellow Americans and the World some day.

Thanks to a Free and Open Internet, Moral Corporations such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and WordPress, and >Especially< Thanks to my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team->

I now know that I have “Planted the Seeds of Truth Deep Enough such that They Will Take Root Some Day”–>

Regardless of what may or may not happen to me.

I also know that the MANY Critically Important Alternative Medical Discoveries that I either Madeor Co-Made over the years WILL NOT BE SUPPRESSED FOREVER, as those that tried to kill me (the American Mafia headquartered in NYC) and their business partners (some portion of Big Pharma it seems) had intended.

Twelve Google Search Results Examples make my point here.

I call them “The Dirty Dozen Search Results”.

Here they are.

Google Search Example #1 Carries a WordPress Website Introduction with it—>

CheckMate!!! The Feds Are Done at the 1st Internet Woodstock!

A Revolutionary Patriot Movement WordPress Website

1) Google Search Results 4 “Allen Darman” On 10-19-2013


About 3,610 results (0.16 seconds)

About 3,610 Google Search Results for “Allen Darman”—>

All ten Google Results shown below are about me, of course.

The Page One Google Search Results of #4, and #5 represent “my heroic WordPress Website Development Team’s work”.

Example #2) About 4,440,000 Google results for >federal government suppression of the truth<

About 4,440,000 results (0.59 seconds)

Example #3) Google Search Results for—>

>1st Internet Woodstock<

About 1,370,000 results (0.41 seconds)

About 1,370,000 Google Search Results for—>

1st Internet Woodstock

—>The Page One Google Search Results of #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11 all represent “my heroic WordPress Website Development Team’s work”.

Example #3 Carries a WordPress Internet Woodstock Website of ours (1 of 5) attached to it—>


Just another site

Example #4) About 5,060,000 Google Search results for >social data revolution in america<

About 5,060,000 results (0.51 seconds)

Example #5) About 38,900,000 Google Search results for >social data revolution worldwide<

About 38,900,000 results (0.48 seconds) 

Example #7) About 8,640,000 Google Search results for >suppression of truth<

About 8,640,000 results (0.40 seconds)

Example #8) About 197,000 Google Search results for—>

>patriot movement explodes<

About 197,000 results (0.36 seconds)

Google Search Results on October 20, 2013 for—>

patriot revolution explodes

—>The Page One Google Search Results of #8, #9, #11 and #12 represent “my heroic WordPress Website Development Team’s work”.

Example #9) Google Search results on October 20, 2013 for—>

>allen darman wordpress<

About 203,000 results (0.46 seconds)

Example #10) Google Search Results for

>allen d wordpress<

About 17,400,000 Google Search Results (in 0.32 seconds) for Searching for >>>allen d wordpress<<<

A Complex Battle Between 21+ Power Structures Is NOW Underway; The Future Of The World Is At Stake! (10-18-2013)

A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution WordPress Blog>

The “Complex Battle Blog” is A MUST READ! Blog for All of my Fellow Americans! 

The “Complex Battle Blog” CONTAINS FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE THAT Virtually EVERYONE that can read—–>


You won’t hear what is in this Complex Battle Blog from the U.S. Government, but that does not mean that it is not true.

“Don’t Trust the Feds! They Lie All the Time! They Should Not Be Trusted at all!”

The U.S. Government
Has Monitored and
<—Censored This
“Concepts and Ideas
For Internet Based
Revolutionary WordPress Website
Since December 17th 2012 It seems!

PREFACE (to the Complex Battle Blog)

Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Myself.

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

My name is Allen Darman.
I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69 And—>
I am a Truth Soldier for God.
If you want to know “where my heart Truly lies” read the blog titled—>
Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me.

I am the Author for a heroic WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team that is currently based in Florida, San Francisco and Albany NY (the latter may change soon).

We are collectively Standing Up to Many Powers that Be, to include the extremely corrupt United States Federal Governmentother corrupt Federal Governments worldwideBig PharmaBig Oil, Big Nuclear Energy, Big Coalthe Illuminati, and the American Mafia (unless this latter organization “Switches Sides” as explained in the material below).  All of us have put our lives at risk out of a heartfelt sense of moral obligation to do so.

We are Standing Up for Ourselves, for Our Loved Ones, for Our Fellow Americans, for Humanity and for YOU! (the reader of this blog).

Allen D and his 420WordPress Hippie Gang of Patriot Movement Revolutionary WordPress Website Development Specialists and Revolutionary iWOODSTOCK (Internet Woodstock) promoters!

Year of the Patriot 2013 Like/Share -->


In essence, this blog defines America’s Big Problems in a nutshell, and Offers the Best Solution without a lot of detail as well (other blogs that I have written in the past provide some more detail).

The Best Solution For America To Change For the Better involves a Mutually Respectful Collaboration between Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American Public, and the American Mafia.


This Complex Battle WordPress Blog is THE MOST IMPORTANT WordPress Blog that I have written in my life.

It is the Most Important Blog that I have ever written because it contains an ***ACCURATE*** Big Picture Scenario of all of the Combatants that are Involved in a Complex Battle that is going on at this time, not only in America, but in much of the rest of the world too.  Allen D 


The 21 Power Structures in this Complex Battle Blog that my WordPress Patriot Movement Website Development Team Is Defining and/or Impacting Upon Are As Follows…

Power Structure Number One is “the Immoral Corporations”.

The Immoral Corporations ARE THE BIG EVIL HERE. They have Control of Governments Worldwide via the Methodologies of Bribing Politicians, Bribing Main Stream Media, and By Employing the Mafia to Use Force (and to Kill When They Feel It Is Necessary).

Power Structure Number Two >>>Federal Governments Worldwide<>to Include our own United States Federal Government Of Course.<<<

Our Own U.S. Federal Government and Other Federal Governments Worldwide ARE THE NEXT BIGGEST EVIL after the Immoral Corporations.

Almost All, If Not Virtually All, Federal Governments Worldwide ***DO NOT*** “Put the Welfare Of Their People First”.


Power Structure Number Three is the Mafia.

Few persons realize the Depth and Strength of the Mafia’s Power, both in America and Worldwide.

Even Fewer Persons realize that it can be Justifiably Stated that “the American Mafia has gained control of all three branches of the Federal Government in the United States of America”.

The Thrust in much of my blogging for the past six months or more is that the Key To Regaining American Freedom and Fixing America’s Many Serious Problems is to convince the American Mafia to “Switch Sides” and Work With Silicon Valley to Replace Our Current Federal Government, and To Pay The American Mafia Well on an Annual Basis out of the U.S. Federal Treasury for doing so.

Since October 3, 2013 I have gotten the sense and some significant hints via the Internet that the American Mafia headquartered in NYC has either (1) Finally Made the Wise decision to “Switch Sides”! and Assist Google, Facebook, Other Silicon Valley Players and my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team in regard to Starting and Winning a Justifiable Revolution in America,
Or that (2) The American Mafia is Now Quite Willing, If Not Desirous Of Having a Meeting in this regard with Google, Facebook, WordPress Corporate and my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team
And that (3) “The American Mafia Headquartered in NYC Is Leaning Our Way Now as of October 3rd or so”!

This Attitude of the American Mafia at present (assuming my assumptions are correct) represents a huge change from not long ago when the American Mafia was attempting to repeatedly murder both myself and my San Francisco WordPress Team members.

It is my Sincere Expectation at this point in time that the American Mafia Will Soon Be Respectfully Collaborating With (1) Google Corporate, (2) Facebook Corporate, (3) WordPress Corporate, (4) Other Silicon Valley Entities, (5) the Patriot Movement in America, (6) the American Resistance Movement, and (7) my heroic WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team to Topple Our Corrupt United States Federal Government… and Help The New Internet Based Government (eGovernment) that “Will Be Taking Over” in the foreseeable future. (*Within Twelve to Twenty Four Months* is “my best guess” here.)

I admit to all that I may be wrong in my assumptions in regard to the above. However, I have received some Hints Via the Internet that would lead anyone with a logical and deductive mind to the Conclusion that the Above Assumptions Are Correct.

I DO NOT SEE THE MAFIA AS EVIL unless They Go Against God’s Will and the Will of The People by Killing Me or any other Member of my heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team.

I SEE THE MAFIA AS AN ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL ALLY TO HAVE ON ONE’S SIDE ON AN ONGOING BASIS To Straighten Out What Is Wrong with America, and To Make Sure that Things Do Not Ever Get This Screwed Up Again.

The Mafia is “like a gun”. It represents FORCE. This Gun, or this Force, can be Pointed In Either the Right Or The Wrong Direction. If the Mafia Did “Switch Sides”, they went from “Being Pointed In The Wrong Direction” to “Being Pointed In The Right Direction”.

Power Structure Number Four Thinks They Are Good…But They Are Really Evil!

Who is Power Structure Number Four?

Power Structure Number Four Is the Illuminati, the New World Order Folks, the Agenda 21 folks, the Bilderberg Group, the Club Of Rome, the Wealthy Elite, or whatever these people want to call themselves.

This is a very small, but immensely wealthy and powerful group of folks that want to sneakily kill off well over 90 percent of us, and enslave the rest.

Admittedly, the earth we live on does have a serious Overpopulation Problem. This problem sure could use the best and the brightest in America to work on it, and it is going to require the Collaboration of All Nations.

The World’s Overpopulation Problem does not need a sneaky answer foist upon on all of us, especially our innocent children, by Power Structure Number Four.

Power Structure Number Four Has No Right to Attempt To Heavily Depopulate This Planet using (1) a Wide Range of Pharmaceutical Medicines and Vaccines based on Intentionally Fraudulent Science, (2) Poisons in our drinking water such asfluoride and others, (3) Airborne Poisons dumped on us from above, (4) Soil borne Poisons, (5) Food additives that are poisonous, (6) Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Foods, (7) Forced Climate Change (Climate Change that would not need to happen if numerous Energy Inventions of all sorts were not Intentionally Federal Government Suppressed), (8) the Use of Mafia Force to intimidate and/or kill anyone that is a real threat to Power Structure Number Four, (9)Mainstream Media Brainwashing, and (10) a plethora of lies.

What right do these wealthy and powerful people have in regard to choosing who lives and who dies?

Neither Money Nor Might Makes Right.

Nor Do Either Money Nor Might Give One THE RIGHT to PLAY GOD.

Power Structure Number Five is The Will Of the People in America.

We Are the Only Nation With Enough Guns in the Hands of the People.Without Millions of Guns in the Hands of the Public we would not stand a chance. (Yes, life is that brutal.)

Power Structure Number Six is The Truth.


The Internet, Desktop Computers, Laptops, Smart Phones and Time Assure This (the Above).

Power Structure Number Seven is God.

God is in Every Human Being… and More So in Those Persons that Are Obedient to Him Or Her Or Whatever God May Be.

I like my father Arthur Darman’s phrase God Nature. Art equated the Natural World and the Universal Order of Things with God.

So do I.

To go against Nature and the Universal Order of Things is to go against God.

And believe me, in going against God… or against Nature… a penalty will be paid for such. Climate change is one example of this. Lack of health from eating GMO foods is another. Using toxic medications to attempt to cure human health conditions while suppressing the healing power of nutritional supplements to do the same is another example as well. Ignoring the God Given Design And The Digestive Efficiency of the Human Digestive System when treating virtually ANY Human Health Condition is another. Overpopulation of the Planet Earth is the last example I will mention today in this regard… but there are others as well.

God Is In This Picture.
Power Structure #7 is the MOST Powerful OF ALL!

Make No Mistake About This!

God Is “On the Side of the People”. God wants us to justly, humanely and smartly figure out a way to get out of the mess we have gotten ourselves into.

Power Structure Number Eight Is My Revolutionary WordPress Patriot Website Development TEAM, As Well As ALL Of The SMART And “INTERNET CONNECTED PEOPLE” that have become Aware of us, and AWARE OF WHAT WE ARE SAYING! on our 16 WordPress Websites and 1 dot Com Website.

Our WordPress Collaborative Patriot Team’s>>>Primary PATRIOT MOVEMENT WordPress Website!<<

16 Supporting WordPress Websites to the Primary One of

And the last Website is listed in depth—>

CheckMate!!! The Feds Are Done at the 1st Internet Woodstock!

A Revolutionary Patriot Movement WordPress Website


Power Structure Number Nine Is The Internet Powerhouse called Google.

Google is Most Definitely (1) Aware Of, (2) Is Being Very Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Patriot Movement Website Development Team and (3) Is Being Supportive Of All Its Key Ideas!!! (And so is Facebook I think!!!)

Thank God For Google! The United States Of America and the World both Owe a Great Deal! to this Morally Driven Corporate Entity that Is A Champion For Internet Freedom And The Truth!

Power Number Ten is the Internet Powerhouse called Facebook.

I firmly believe that Facebook has also Become Aware Of and Is Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Website Development Team.

My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team And I Wish to DEEPLY THANK Facebook if such is the case.

Like Google (and Google+), Facebook has the inherent power to Wake Up a Billion People practically overnight.

Power such as this—> the Ability to rather quickly Make a Billion People Aware of the Truth, Whatever that Truth may be—> is World Changing Power, to say the very least.

Powers Number Eleven Through Twenty One are All Internet Related, or somewhat related to the Internet.

YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WordPress or any other Blogging Platform, Video Conferencing, Email, Every Other Method Not Yet Named Of Sharing Information Over The Internet With Others, Apple, Samsung, and all Alternative News Sources of Truthful Information (many of them with a million subscribers or more).


We are living at the Most Exciting Time in Human History due to the Expansion of the Use of Computers, Smart Phones, and the Internet in America and Worldwide! and the Growth of The Power of the Internet!

The Power of the Internet Can And Should Be Applied To Helping America Stop From Going Down The Course of Self Destruction It Is On. (The same goes for many other countries in the world too.)

Due to the Power of a Free and Open Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and Brightest People in America and the World Have the Ability to Connect With and Work With Each Other No Matter WHERE THEY MAY BE!

Due to the Power of the Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and the Brightest People in America (and Worldwide in those countries that are uncensored) NOW HAVE THE ABILITY TO Collaboratively Tackle America’s and Humanity’s Problems<<>>and FIND THEIR SOLUTIONS!!!<<<

Buried Secrets and Suppressed Truths of All Sorts, Especially In The Realms of (1) the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, (2) Energy Invention Suppression and (3) 9/11 Truth are Finally Coming to the Light of Day due to >the Power of a Free and Open Internet!<

Even if the U.S. Federal Government (1) Shuts the Internet Down or (2) Censors the Internet Unjustifiably In Order To Save Its Corrupt Self<<>>the U.S. Government WILL NOT BE ABLE To Enforce This Lack of Freedom of Speech for Long< > for U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Internet Censorship Actions WILL DEFINITELY SPARK a Winnable JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION in America!!!

The Truth On Many Critical Topics being realized by the masses can only be slowed down by our corrupt U.S. Federal Government and other corrupt governments worldwide.

The Truth Cannot Be Stopped.

The Complex Battle discussed in this Historic WordPress Blog is one in which the People and the Truth Will Inevitably Win!

Thank Google, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, A Lot of Good People Everywhere, and the Power of a Free And Open Internet.

Most Importantly, I Would Like to Deeply Thank a true American Hero named Mark Jaquith of
And All Of Those Smart WordPress Website Development Folks in San Francisco that Heroically Stood Up For Me in April 2012.

In the foreseeable future, I also hope to thank the American Mafia In Person for “Wisely Switching Sides” and coming onboard with Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American People and My Heroic WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team in order to Save American Health, American Freedom and the American Economy, and Perhaps Save the World too.

I refuse to believe that God Nature designed humanity to destroy itself and the planet it inhabits.

It sure appears to me that Due to the Power of the Internet (a Power that is growing), Humanity has finally gained the Wisdom, the Knowledge, and the Ability To Save Both Itself and the Fragile Planet It Inhabits.

It also appears that in the end, things are all going to work out, regardless of what may or may not happen to me.

Allen D (with help from his deeply appreciated heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team)


Some Personal Notes By Allen D

I refuse to Live In Fear of Being Murdered Any More. If there is a trap set for me, I choose to not avoid it.

I am currently residing at my sister Laurie’s rented house in Albany NY as I write this.

If either the U.S. Government (Suspect #1 and the Most Likely Party To Do So), the Illuminati (Suspect #2), the American Mafia (Suspect #3, or perhaps “my best friend” IF THEY “Wisely SWITCH SIDES”), Big Pharma (Suspect #4) or Big Oil (Suspect #5) acts against me while residing at my sister’s Laurie’s house in Albany NY in the Fall or the Winter of 2013, they will suffer the consequences of this.

If Internet Martyrdom is going to be my fate, so be it.

My Destiny is in God’s Hands, not mine. Who am I to “second guess God?”. I gracefully Accept the Destiny that God may have in store for me for the rest of my life, however long or short it may be.

If Surviving the Storm such that My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team and I REMAIN ALIVE TO BE *the Key Catalyst* in Leading America (and Eventually the World) Out Of The Fate Of The Dire Course It Is Currently On Now, so be it as well.

In getting this Complex Battle WordPress Blog to the state it is now in, I HAVE completed a Major Step in Helping America and the World To Accurately and Truthfully Understand Where It Is At and What It Needs To Do To Fix Things<<

>>>I Have No Fear Whatsoever Left In Me Any More!<<<


I Owe So Many So Much for Living Long Enough to Complete this WordPress Blog to the point where it is today.

First and Foremost, I Owe My Mother And Father Arthur and Marion Darman.

My mother and father Groomed Me, and Prepared Me Well, for the Epic Battle that I have been in against Big Pharma, the Mafia, Big Oil and the U.S. Government beginning in the Summer of the Year 2000.  (This Epic Battle Began as a Result of My Gaining a World Leading Degree of Knowledge (#1) in Regard to How to Properly Treat a State of Biochemical Depression via Natural Means as a result of a Series of Personal Discoveries that I made between July 1997 and April 2000.)

Many of the Persons that I Owe a Great Debt of Gratitude To Are Extremely Likely To Be In The Upper Management of the Google Corporationthe Facebook Corporationthe Twitter Corporation, Other Software, Hardware and/or Silicon Valley Entities, and the people underlying the WordPress Corporation named Automattic.

I wish to Deeply Thank You All! for what you have done—>

And have done for so long and in so many ways—>

(1) To Help me personally (you quite literally may have saved my life—> assuming that “the Power of the Internet is strong enough”),

(2) To Help my heroic WordPress PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team (you may be saving their lives as well),

(3) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Mental And Degenerative Illnesses; Cures that Did Not Exist Before,

(4) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Bone, Joint, Muscular, and Wound Healing.

(5) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Addiction of any sort (only tobacco still has me puzzled).

(6) To Help my Alternative Medical Suppression By the Federal Government a) Knowledge and b) Discovery,

7) To Help my Energy Invention Suppression Knowledge (things I learned from Gary Vesperman and other persons as well),

8) To Help my Patriot Movement Educational Efforts to foster a Justifiable Revolution in America (and Foster Justifiable Revolution Worldwide as well) via the Internet.

9) To Help My Efforts to Spark Some Silicon Valley Corporation to Bravely Step Up to the Plate, and either Sponsor or Co-sponsor (with many co-sponsors perhaps) a Worldwide Internet Woodstock Event called either iWOODSTOCK—>



10) To Help by Providing Enough Internet Witnesses such that I can sit down with the American Mafia in NYC and bargain soon from the Standpoint of “Equal Strength”, and not Weakness.  

Without Your Help, my Many Alternative Medical Discoveries, my MAJOR Alternative Medicine CO-DISCOVERY (along with my son Willy), my Revolutionary WordPress Work and—>

My life—>

Would likely have been in vain. 

Mark Jaquith of Covered Web Services is one of the persons that I Owe So Much To.

Thank You Mark!

I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life.

The Anonymous Heroic San Francisco WordPress Website Developers who first stood up for me despite the great Personal Risks involved know who you are. (I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life as well.)

I wish to Thank YOU ALL Deeply and in a very heartfelt way!

Thank You So Much!!!

Thank You So VERY MUCH!!!

For Heroically Joining and Supporting from afar my WordPress Website Development efforts on April 9, 2012!

And THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting MY efforts over the Internet ever since!!!!!

(((I Love You All!)))

Allen D


Mark J

With Our Deeply Appreciated Help From GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress 

And Our Deeply Appreciated and Quite Heroic Help from—>

Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth!



Are Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Truth, Energy Invention Truth, and 9/11 Truth Internet Revolutionaries! and—> 

Internet Educational Course Development
WordPress Website Revolutionaries!
 as well.

We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more! 

It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and the Rest Of Humanity Free!


Some Related WordPress Blogs—>

1) About Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

2) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010

3) Longstanding United States Federal Government Suppression of Energy Inventions (10-22-2013)

4) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (Timeless> A WordPress Blog That *Tells My Alt Med Heart*)

5) Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Health Care and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)

More Links Coming from Albany New York until early November.

>Perhaps More Links Coming from NYC in November if “the Mafia wishes to to Finally Ally With and Support “My Save America and the World Efforts”.

>Or perhaps sometime in November some heroic people in Silicon Valley will provide me with “A Roof Over My Head” in the San Francisco Bay Area in Order to “WordPress Collaborate” and—>

“Think Collaborate” in regard to “How can we best save America?” from the dire course that it is on, a course “that Dooms Us All Without Exception” it seems.


Notable Quotes

2012 was not the End of the World! It was the Turning Point Worldwide in regard to the End of Lies!

Many Patriot Movement And Silicon Valley Heroes Are Rising To The Cause In America!!! The Bad Guys Don’t Stand A Chance! Allen D

The American Mafia Is Even Rising To The Cause In America! Or so it sure seems! This Respected Organization Represents >>>The Key That Is Needed To Save America<<< From The Disastrous Fiscal Course It Is On Now.Allen D

Before We Fix Things in America, Hard Times are inevitably going to come upon us. We need to anticipate the some of the specifics of these hard times, and come up with a plan to defuse or mitigate them. Some Examples are>>> What if they shut down the Internet???, or if they shut down Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, etc. All At The Same Time??? Or what if the Grocery Stores ran out of food??? Or if the Banks ran out of money??? What if the Electrical Grid Shut Down In Much Or Most Of The U.S., to include “where you live”. What if the water supply of the plumbing in your house and your city ran dry, and nothing came out of your faucets? What if the United States Government Declared Martial Law Nationwide? Think things out, and then Prepare for the Very Worst Case Scenario as quickly and WISELY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN, STARTING WITH STORING A MONTH’S WORTH OF WATER FOR EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD AS SOON AS YOU CAN. Allen D



ALL of my Facebook and Google+ Friends should check this link out>



A Must Read> A Complex Battle Between 21+ Power Structures Is NOW Underway


Or Use the Facebook or Twitter or WordPress Share Buttons at the end of this blog.


Some Final Notes:

This WordPress Blog was Initially Published on the WordPress Internet Management Website of A Copy of it resides there.

This Historic WordPress Blog is in its last stages of construction. These last stages involve Final Edits, and PICTURES, Links, ETC. EMBEDDED OR ATTACHED. (This Blog will be completed by the end of October 2013. )

Any portion of this blog, or this blog in its entirety, can be used, copied, reprinted, reposted, put on Websites of any sort, or put anywhere on the Internet by any person or party that desires. This material may be used in any manner that the reader wishes. It is not copyrighted in any way.

Most of this WordPress blog was written, edited and upgraded on an $80 Android 4.0 3G Kyocera Rise Smart Phone. The Rest was written on a $750 Refurbished 21″ Apple iMac (the Best Computer I have ever owned in my life!).

If this Complex Battle WordPress Blog and Some of its Closely Related Links do not go “Somewhat Viral” on the Internet by Christmas, I will “eat my hat”, assuming that I am still alive! Allen D


A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution Web Page>

A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution WordPress Blog>