Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution (1-19-2012)

Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution In America (1-19-2012)


Year of the Patriot 2013 Like/Share -->

Dear Fellow Americans:

When a man has nothing to lose, it is easy to state the Truth.

I have nothing to lose as per the below.

I have had an open and unfulfilled contract on my life ever since what is apparently the Mafia first tried to kill me on January 6, 2010.

This first attempt was a result of my succeeding to promote the idea of the therapeutic validity and the therapeutic power of my son Willy’s Baggie Idea at a “War Council Meeting” put on by Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation on January second and third of 2010.

I had brought about thirty packages of literature to the above meeting. These packages included over twenty blogs I had written in regard to how to overcome depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia naturally. They also included a color “before and after picture” of my son Willy between ten and a half and seventeen and a half years of age.

Shortly after this War Council Meeting was over, there was a three way email conversation between Dr. Laibow, a conventional medical doctor that “was going alternative”, and myself.

As soon as the conventional medical doctor (from Manhattan) expressed a willingness to consider before and after video testimony from his patients that were depressed and willing to try Willy’s Baggie approach, I knew that I should immediately leave the motel in Atlantic City that I was emailing from.

I knew the above because I knew that Big Pharma was monitoring *Everything* being written on my laptop, and they could not let the above occur. Why could they not let the above occur? Because *Before and After Video Testimony* of a Willy’s Baggie approach on depression would soon cost Big Pharma hundreds of billions in lost Stock Value due to the Power of the Internet in regard to spreading the Truth.

As much as I knew that I should immediately leave the motel I was in, I took a chance and booked one more night. This was a big mistake, as two men were sent to kill me.

[Incidentally, I lost all respect and trust for Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation after this first attempt on my life. She was fully aware of what went on here, and did not say a single word about such in her NSF newsletter. Either she is a Coward, or she represents “controlled opposition” that sucks Health Freedom dollars from the masses such that these funds do no real good. I suspect the latter.]

Let’s Fast Forward to the end of May 2010. At this point I had been in what I call a “Bunker Apartment” in Utica, NY for about two months, when I decided to tell the Truth in a big way again.

On May 21, 2010 I wrote a Socially Significant Blog on Bob Beck titled “A Tribute to Bob Beck; a World Class Healer” (5-21-2010). In this blog I stated that the cure to all mental illnesses had finally been found. I knew when I stated this that Big Pharma was reading it, and that they would take action against me soon.

Boy was I right. Within forty eight hours a team involving three cars and six men arrived, and I became the most popular man in the building for well over a week. From hardly anyone ever coming to see me for months, I had knocks on my 14th floor door day and night, and all kinds of persons I did not know tried to get me to open the door. Even Maintenance Staff I did not call tried to get in to see me. If I had made one mistake in this regard (opening my door to the wrong person), I would now be dead.

In this first bunker apartment I wrote a number of very significant blogs. A handful were written over the summer. Then on October 12, 2010 I finally *came out of the closet* and slammed Big Pharma with the Truth as much as I possibly could for almost a month. (If anyone wishes to really get to know me and what I am trying to say, it is worth looking at the prolific blogging cycle that I had between October 12, 2010 and November 5th or 6th, 2010.)

Let’s Fast Forward to late March and early April of 2011, about ten months ago. At this point I am in my second bunker apartment in Phoenix, AZ. (Pictures of all three bunker apartments I have had are on my Facebook account.) At this point I know that there is an open and unfulfilled contract on my life, and that those trying to kill me will keep trying until they succeed.

About three days after I wrote a blog in Phoenix titled “Will the American Public Win the Race Against Big Pharma?” on March 28, 2010 there was a third attempt on my life. The bad guys had rented the apartment upstairs. They broke through the floor, taped up some sort of apparatus, and tried to poison gas me through the vent system on Friday night, Saturday night, and Monday night. On Sunday afternoon and Sunday night I was on the street and on the run with a helicopter trying to find me. It is *Close To a Miracle* that I survived the first five days of April 2011, and made it out of Phoenix alive.

For those that do not believe what I am stating in the above, there is a blog record of all of this on this Nutrientscure WordPress site. All one has to do is go into the archives for early April 2011. (There is no way I made this stuff up, or it is the result of paranoia or delusion. I underwent three psychiatric evaluations in Phoenix within a matter of days, and all three teams believed me and what I was saying.)

When I returned to Utica, NY by plane in early April 2011, I had no idea where to go for protection. The Phoenix Police had been More Than Useless to me in April, and I knew the Utica Police would be the same.

So I checked into a Psych Ward without having *Any Psychiatric Needs Whatsoever* to try to buy some time. Another Big Mistake. At least eight persons of Italian descent checked in after me, and I was assaulted with (1) contact poison sprayed on many surfaces I came in contact with (it stung), (2) poison heavily sprayed in my sneakers, (3) poison gas from the vent in my room and elsewhere in the ward, and (4) ingested poison from doctored meds as well.

This Mission Impossible Like attempt to kill me in a hospital setting nearly succeeded as well. Two nights in a row in April I laid down at night not expecting to get up in the Morning. (I am still amazed that I made it out of the hospital alive.)

The above makes *four assassination episodes so far*, three of which involved multiple individual attempts to kill me, within the past 25 months.

They are trying to kill me because what I have learned, in conjunction with what others know and have taught me, threatens *the Collapse of Pharmaceutical Medicine Worldwide*.

Not Even One Class of Medications Can Survive the Truth of What I Know, or What I Know About What Other Alt Med Persons Know. Trillions are involved here. Make no mistake about this.

As a *Dead Man Still Walking* it is EASY for me to tell the Truth about the Need For Revolution in America.

The NDAA does not scare me at all, as the Mob has sealed my Fate. (They just happen to have not succeeded yet.)

Despite the fact that the NDAA does not scare me, I am not going to make it easy for the Feds to take me away. I am going to practice Civil Disobedience when the Feds come to my door if they get to me before the Mob does, and make them break it down… such that there are witnesses and physical evidence of this event. (I wrote a blog on this not too long ago.)


I have explained in the above why I feel free to Tell the Truth in regard to our Federal Government more so than some other persons. (Most other persons have far more to lose than I do.)

The Truth in regard to our Federal Government is this:

No Federal Election With the System Set Up The Way It Is Now Is Going To Save America.

Anyone that thinks that (1) political organizing to “put the right candidates in office”, (2) the Tea Party, or (3) a man such as Ron Paul winning the Presidency… “can adequately change things in America” is either naive, ill informed, stupid, or delusional.

America needs a whole new System of Government, one that is set up from the very beginning To Lock Out Corporate Control of Its Administration Forever, if at all humanly possible.

Unless America gets the above New Model of Government, It is soon going to become Hell on Earth for those that love Freedom.

And unless America gets the above, I am not going to be the only one Locked Up or Dead. (Many will be Joining me in the FEMA camps it seems.)

We need an *Entire System Change*. Nothing else will do.

Twenty million men should march *Peacefully* to Washington, D.C. in May 2012 and insist on such.

It is Time For Revolution!!! Peaceful Revolution via the Wisdom Of Mahatma Gandhi, if at all possible.

If peaceful means are woefully inadequate to get the Job Done,perhaps simply a massive show of force will do, without using such force (without resorting to any violence).

By massive show of force, I mean that a good portion of these twenty million men show up in Washington, D.C. in May with unloaded guns locked in the trunk of their cars, just in case there becomes a need to take defensive action if force is used against them.

However, the Bottom Line here is that if the two non-violent solutions mentioned above do not work, then it becomes *Revolution By Whatever Means Necessary To Get The Job Done*.

I Pray with All My Heart and Soul that the Third Choice in the copy above IS NOT what is needed in order to (1) get the Corporations to willingly let go of Ruling America (as they are clearly doing now), and (2) let the People Assume Their Democratic Rights and Ruling Power Again.

Allen Darman and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Team


Web Address of the Original Copy of this Blog:


A Related Blog:

Ron Paul Is Not Enough; Twenty Million Men Should March Peacefully To Washington, D.C. In May 2012 To Effect Immediate Regime Change (1-19-2012)


A Final Note: None of my written material is copyrighted in ANY way. I sincerely hope that some of my Facebook and other friends are brave enough to pass this blog around using Facebook, Twitter, StumbleOn, Reddit, Digg, Alternative News Sources, etc. For my Martyrdom to not be a Waste this material may need to be spread all over the Internet before Internet Censorship takes place. Allen Darman 1/19/2012


I am a drinker with writing problems.Brendan Behan

I am a writer that loves to smoke pot. Allen Darman


Web Address of a July4thRevolution WordPress blog of the above material>>>

Web Address of this material as aCallForRevolution blog>>> Tweetable>>>

Web Address of this material as a JustifiableCivilDisobedience blog>>> Tweetable>>>

Web Address of this material as aCall4JustifiableRevolution blog>>> Tweetable>>>

My Early May 2013 Travel Plans

My Early May 2013 Travel Plans


Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Myself…

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

My name is Allen Darman.

I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69…


I am a Truth Soldier for God.

I am also the Leader of a Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team that is pumping out Websites, Web Pages, and WordPress Blogs as fast as we can in an effort to help the brewing Justifiable Revolution here in the United States (and Worldwide as well!). My other names on the Internet are Nutrientscure, AllenD, SmokeMasterAllenD, AllenDee, and SmokemasterAllenDee… lol

Hawaii was not such a good idea, but I am gonna get out of Albany and try to improve my lot in May. I am going to buy a train ticket to San Francisco for early May departure, and do so on my April money (such that this ticket is booked in advance). As well as things are going with our team’s websites, I cannot help but feel that by May it’s time for me to trust in God, go by Amtrak to Frisco, and hope “I get picked up”. Expect me in San Francisco on or about May 5th. If no one shows up at the Train station in Emeryville within two hours or so of my arrival, I may do the shelter thing again. I hear that a place called Cafe Esperanza in Santa Barbara is pretty nice, and I will research other housing and shelter options out west in advance. At this point, if the Mafia wants to kill me and make an Internet Martyr out of me, So Be It. The same goes for the Feds, who are watching this happening and yet do nothing. AllenD

Notable Quotes

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.Carol Burnett

Without Internet Freedom, we have No Freedom At All. AllenD

At this point, if the Mafia wants to kill me and make an Internet Martyr out of me, So Be It. The same goes for the Feds, who are watching this happening and yet do nothing.AllenD

I continue to hope that the Mafia realizes that I strongly believe that a win-win situation can and should be structured between them and the new Roundtable Internet Government which will replace our current corrupt Federal Government when it Inevitably Falls To the Truth. AllenD

Remember AllenD! at iROCK4FREEDOM if I go down for the sake of America and the sake of the human race. AllenD

Writing is the only profession where no one considers you ridiculous if you earn no money.Jules Renard

I’ve written for over a decade for no money. Money don’t mean beans to a man whose feels his cause is just. AllenD

I ordered a Second iMac today (on 2-28-2013) because I have already had a Devil of a Time in Regard to Hackers Heavily Attacking the first Apple Refurbished iMac I just got the other day (on 2-26-2013). Two Days of hacker hell! These are almost Certainly BOTH Federal Government and Mafia hackers. I have been chronically hacked and disrupted EVER SINCE I PUT MY SON WILLY’S ORIGINAL RECOVERY WIDELY ON THE INTERNET IN JUNE 2006. I am the Most Hacked Man on the Planet! No Doubt! They should put me in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR BEING HACKED SO MUCH since June 2006! In regard to Murder Attempts by the Mafia thus far that have Failed, my count only stands at about 35 Failed Attempts, so I would not set the Record for the Guinness Book of Records.  A man in the Energy Invention Arena Named Adam Trombly has me Beat, as he has had 54!  Frankly, I am glad I am Number 2… who would want any more? Allen Darman  

If I go down on my way to San Francisco by train in May, don’t bother to try to figure out “who did it?”, the Mafia or the Feds. Hang ‘em both, and let God sort things out. Allen Darman

Our WordPress Collaborative Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites are as follows… all of the Images are “Clickable”.

  • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


  • 2) Our latest Management Website titled



  • 3) Eight Presidents Round Table Internet Government Website


  • 4) A Suppression of Truth WordPress Website


  • 5) An Alternative Medical Discovery WordPress Website


  • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience Website


  • 7) Our July 4th Revolution WordPress Website


Our Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Is Going to Start the 1st Internet Woodstock called iROCK4FREEDOM! or we are going to die trying! That’s No Lie!

Tweetable Link>>>

Tags: 1st internet woodstock, 420, acall4justifiablerevolution, acallforrevolution, Adam Trombly, Allen Darman, allen dee, allend, alternative medical suppression, amtrak, apple, assassinate, Big Pharma, covered web services, energy invention suppression,, Federal Government, Gary Vesperman, Google, first internet woodstock, freedom of speech, imac, internet censorship, internet freedom, internet martyr, internet martyrdom, internet woodstock, iROCK4FREEDOM,, Jim Humble, July 4th revolution, july4threvolution,,, kill, lesbians, lesbian 420subs, lesbian 420submissives, Mafia, Mark J, martyr, May, murder, My Early May 2013 Travel Plans, NDAA,, San Francisco, smokemasterallend,, train, united states federal government,, WordPress, wordpress collaborative internet team, wordpress collaborative team, wordpress team

Original blog>>>

iROCK4FREEDOM Version of the above material>>>