An Eloquent Excerpt From Reverend Martin Luther King’s I’ve Been To The Mountain Speech Applies 2 Allen D As Well

An Eloquent Excerpt From Reverend Martin Luther King’s I’ve Been To The Mountain Speech Applies 2 Allen D As Well


How Are Things For You Today?

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…

My name is Allen Darman. I often shorten this to Allen D…

I am hippie from the sixties that still wants to change the world, an attendee at the Original Woodstock in ’69, a Promoter of the Idea to have an Internet Woodstock In Order To Foster Justifiable Revolution in America (Also see, a cigarette smoker and a pot smoker too! (Puff Puff Pass!), a Socratic Thinker, a bit of “an eccentric genius”, a real hard worker (I often blog for well over 12 hours a day), an Alternative Medical Discoverer and Co-Discoverer of the Proper Nutritional and Natural Measure Manner To Cure Depression, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, PTSD (and perhaps every other “Mental Illness” as well), an Author, an Internet Activist on Multiple Frontsan Expert on the Suppression of Truth, an American Patriot, a prolific WordPress blogger,the leader of a Heroic WordPress Collaborative Website Development Team, an Internet Revolutionary that is committed to Toppling Big Pharma, Big Oil, and our corrupt United States Government with the Truth, and perhaps most importantly… a Survivor of Dozens of Mafia Attempts over the past three and a half years (since January 2010) to take my life (on behalf of themselves and Big Pharma).

Martin Luther King gave a Great Speech! in Memphis TN on April 3, 1968.

Toward the end of the speech, King speaks about threats against his life. He uses language that seems to foreshadow his impending death:

The Excerpt Below comes from the Martin Luther King Speech commonly referred to as “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”.

And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers? … Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t really matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live – a long life; longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. So I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.

[End of Excerpt]

My comments in regard to the Above Excerpt from Martin Luther Kings “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Speech” as found on Wikipedia (and many other websites) are as follows…

I cannot Read This Material without tears coming to my eyes. These eloquent words so easily bring tears, for they strongly apply to me and my situation.

“I am a Dead Man that is Miraculously Still Walking, as many Powerful Powers That Be that I threaten with the Truth”. (In Truth, there has not been one single person in history that threatens more “Fiscal, Power and Prestige Loss” than me.)

Oddly, despite my likely Demise soon, There is No Need To Feel Sorry For Me…

Although I won’t be here much longer (the Feds sorely want me dead, and perhaps the Mafia still does too), I am Extremely Happy For All Of My Fellow Patriots and Fellow Americans. You should All Greatly Benefit from my Internet Martyrdom.

How will my death help you?

My being killed by either the Mafia or the Federal Government will almost certainly help to cause Justifiable Revolution in America!!!

Jesus gave his life for humanity, Martin Luther King gave his life for humanity, so did John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and apparently so am I going to “do the same”.

I fear no more. I fear neither the Mafia or the Feds.

I accept my Fate with Courage and Grace.

The Truth of the Matter is—> I am the Happiest Man Alive! That’s No Shit!


I will See You In Heaven when you make it there…

Allen D (with Substantial and Heroic Help from his Smart WordPress Collaborative Internet Team)

The Internet Changed The World For The Better!

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Notable Quotes

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done. Steven Wright

I’m writing a book too… It is going to be a Collaborative Effort involving my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team and I… if I remain alive long enough. Otherwise “my Unwritten Book is all theirs”, to write as they see fit, and to use whatever Co-Authors that my Smart WordPress Collaborative Internet Team may or may not desire. Allen D

My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living. Anais Nin

My ideas usually come from those first few hits on a bong! Allen Darman


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